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Why men and women experience happiness differently
Why men and women experience happiness differently

Here's what science has to say about it.

Why men and women experience happiness differently
Why men and women experience happiness differently

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According to statistics, over the past 30 years, women have become increasingly unhappy. They suffer from depression twice as often as men. This is facilitated by various biological, psychological and social factors.

But at the same time, women often experience strong positive emotions - joy and satisfaction. And this kind of smooths out the high risk of depression. Perhaps it also plays a role in the fact that a woman is more likely to seek help and treatment, which will allow her to recover faster.

Arguing who is happier - men or women - is useless: this feeling is different for both sexes. And that's why.

We are influenced by gender stereotypes

Early research into the gender dependence of happiness has shown that both men and women need socialization in order to express their emotions.

Women, for example, are more likely to experience joy, care, and anxiety. These emotions help build social bonds. They are more consistent with the traditional role of the keeper of the hearth.

Men, on the other hand, more often show anger, cherish their dignity and are rude, which is more suitable for the role of a protector and earner.

Brain reactions of men and women are not the same

Scientists have found that differences in happiness are not only due to social reasons. They are also observed from the side of the brain. Women are better at recognizing human emotions, they are more empathetic and prone to empathy. This was confirmed by scientific tests, in which they showed results better than men.

The researchers then visualized this data and found that more areas of the brain containing mirror neurons are recruited to process emotions in women.

These neurons allow us to perceive the world from the point of view of other people, to understand the motives of their actions and intentions. For the same reason, women feel sadness and longing more deeply.

Men express their emotions more freely

Psychologically, men and women differ in the way they process and express emotions. With the exception of anger, the latter experience emotions more intensely and openly share them with others.

Women have more pro-social - positive and other-directed - expressions like gratitude. And so they feel happier. This confirms the theory that women's happiness is more dependent on relationships with other people than men's.

However, there is a significant gap in the studies mentioned above regarding anger.

Often, women are as angry as men, but do not express emotions openly, as this is considered socially unacceptable.

When a man feels anger, he often talks about it and directs it towards others. The woman, on the other hand, holds the storm inside and directs it towards herself. She does not speak, but digests everything inside. This is why the female half of humanity is more likely to be stressed and depressed.

Research shows that men have more problem-solving abilities and greater cognitive flexibility. Therefore, they are generally more emotionally stable and often have a positive attitude.

The way women react to stress often prevents them from changing their thinking angle. As a result, this can only aggravate the depressed state.

Women are more likely to sacrifice their needs

It is difficult for women to feel happy when faced with the expectations of society and its limitations. Compared to men, they are more sensitive to social disapproval.

This leads to the fact that they are more likely to put the needs of other people ahead of their own. And over time, deep resentment and a feeling of dissatisfaction grow out of this.

In general, it is more important for women whether they are doing everything right, and their own happiness is relegated to the background. Men, on the other hand, are more eager for their own satisfaction and entertainment.

Research has also shown that women tend to behave more ethically than men and are more likely to experience shame if they are not sure they are doing the "right thing." Morality also motivates them to seek more rewarding and interesting work that brings them greater joy, peace of mind, and contentment.

As you can see, in the end, everything is very ambiguous. Yes, women are more sensitive to stress and prone to depression and trauma. But they are also incredibly resilient and can recover faster. Researchers believe that this is due to their sociality and ability to better understand those around them - both men and women.

It is important to note that despite these differences, happiness is not just something that one person experiences. It extends to the entire circle of his communication. Happiness is contagious. However, it has a positive effect on the health and well-being of everyone.
