National Geographic Interactive Map Reveals Earth's Terrifying Future
National Geographic Interactive Map Reveals Earth's Terrifying Future

Have you ever tried to imagine how global warming will affect our planet? Now you can also see how the seas flood the coasts.

National Geographic Interactive Map Reveals Earth's Terrifying Future
National Geographic Interactive Map Reveals Earth's Terrifying Future

To educate people about global warming and its consequences, the world famous magazine launched a special website with an interactive map.

The language of the site is English, but anyone can figure it out. There is a slider at the bottom of the map showing the rise in global temperature. You can drag it in the range from 0 to 4 ° C and watch how the sea level changes on the side panel and on the map itself. The changes are best seen on the banks.

Moreover, a separate section of the map can be downloaded as an image or PowerPoint presentation, or as a file for Google Earth.


On the site, in addition to the map itself, you can find links to many other interactive presentations and simply articles on the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment. For example, an analyzer of the effects of flooding around the world.

Rising sea levels due to global warming pose a major threat to coastal cities around the world, according to Benjamin Strauss of Climate Central, a climatology research nonprofit.

Remarkably, the map is a kind of offshoot of the documentary "Save the Planet", which was co-produced by Leonardo DiCaprio. The documentary features interviews with many famous people around the world. For example, with former US President Barack Obama and Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

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