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3 effective ways to defeat jealousy
3 effective ways to defeat jealousy

Everyone at least once felt jealous of their partner. Three powerful ways to deal with this destructive feeling.

3 effective ways to defeat jealousy
3 effective ways to defeat jealousy

What is the problem

Many people get acquainted with jealousy in childhood, when they notice that parents pay more attention to brothers and sisters. We are oppressed and hurt by the fact that the people we love deprive us of our attention. It seems to us that if we love someone, he should belong to us completely. Gradually, jealousy passes with us into adulthood and manifests itself already in a relationship with a partner. Then the problems begin.

Jealousy has a destructive effect on relationships. Your suspicions offend your partner, he believes that you do not trust him. By being jealous, you show low self-esteem and panic about loss. All this becomes the cause of quarrels, disagreements and resentments.

It is not easy for jealous people. They are tormented by suspicions, doubts, remorse. Jealousy tends to inappropriate and even cruel behavior towards a partner, oneself and others.

How to defeat jealousy

You realized that you were jealous, and realized that this feeling makes you and the people around you unhappy. But dealing with it is not so easy. Three ways will help you.

1. Trust your partner

Trust builds strong relationships. It is the basis of friendship, a condition that helps to maintain mutual feelings. Can you say you trust your partner? Most likely, yes. Most likely, you value this trust.

Then think about one more thing. With jealousy and suspicion, you kill everything that you value and pride yourself on. What is the value of being open to each other and the habit of talking about everything if you do not believe your soul mate?

2. Understand if your suspicions are valid

If jealousy began to torment you, then it's time to answer yourself a few questions: "Does the partner give me reasons for jealousy?", "Do I have real reasons to suspect him of something?"

Most likely, you will answer no to all of these questions. So what's the deal? To be jealous for no reason is simply stupid. If there are no reasons, there is no need to invent them. Just get the bad thoughts out of your head.

3. Get better

Think about what you are jealous of in the other person. It can be an interesting character, a striking feature, or an outstanding skill. Instead of being jealous, acquire this quality. Get smart or charming, learn to massage or make delicious coffee, get in shape, earn more.

Your partner is worthy of it. It's not about the end result (money, skills, or traits), but about the effort you put into achieving the goal. Do it for your loved one.

Jealousy has a devastating effect on any relationship, regardless of its duration or strength. Fight what threatens your happiness. Live in harmony with the people you love.
