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How to be afraid: 6 ways to defeat fear
How to be afraid: 6 ways to defeat fear

Fear is an absolutely natural sensation, even if there is little pleasant in it. We will tell you how to learn how to manage it and turn the ability to be afraid in your favor.

How to be afraid: 6 ways to defeat fear
How to be afraid: 6 ways to defeat fear

1. Take it for granted: it's okay to be afraid

It is partly because of fear that we exist at all: its job is to help us survive. In the course of evolution, prudent and moderately cautious individuals had more chances to stay alive and continue the race than those who were not afraid of anything at all.

Fear can also be a good motivation for action. For example, scientists from the University of British Columbia have found that people are quicker to deal with cases that really scare them. Fear causes such discomfort that a person simply cannot tolerate it: he wants to solve a disturbing problem as quickly as possible - if only it does not wind up nerves anymore.

For example, people who are seriously worried that they will have nothing to live on in retirement are 43% more likely to take action and start saving money than those who just sit and wait until they can no longer work. If you are putting off a problem until later, imagine the most dire consequences of your inaction - fear will help you cope with procrastination.

2. Examine your fear

In order to curb anxiety, it is important to understand if it has a real reasoning or if it is just a play of the imagination. For example, you are afraid to fly, and whenever an airplane hits an air hole, you promise yourself that you will continue to travel by train. Or you won't go anywhere else, because it's quieter at home. Instead, study the statistics of aircraft accidents - it is likely that you are more likely to get into an accident on the way to work than to be on board a faulty liner.

Focus on what you can control. It makes no sense to worry that a giant meteorite will hit the Earth, or torment yourself with the thought that your loved one will probably leave you. You can't influence it in any way. But if you are afraid of the upcoming interview, then make sure in advance: find out more about the company where you want to work, and remember all your achievements in the previous place, in order to trump them in the conversation on occasion. This will help you prepare for the daunting challenge and pass it with honor - after all, you have done everything that depends on you, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

3. Make a clear plan of action

Let's say you are worried that you will fail an important project at work. What can be done to deliver the task on time? For example, do not stick to the series and do not put off everything for later, but estimate how much time you really need and start important business right now.

Now imagine the worst-case scenario: something went wrong, and you still failed the project. What will happen next? You may be stripped of your bonus or fired. Do you have a ready-made resume and a reserve of money to hold out until you find a new job? If not, it's time to collect at least a minimal airbag - it's not a fact that it will come in handy, but it will be calmer this way.

The habit of analyzing negative scenarios helps to bring fear under control. Even if everything does not go according to plan, you have a ready-made algorithm for solving the problem. Most likely, you will never need it, but it will instill confidence in your abilities.

4. Try to tame your fear

Do it in small steps and gradually. A person who is tremblingly afraid of dogs can start by looking at photos and watching videos with these animals, then watch them out the window and stand at a safe distance from the tied dog, coming closer and closer over and over again. There is no need to rush: try the next stage of actions only when you feel that you are quite comfortable with the previous one. As a result, this practice will help to cope with fear and safely scratch behind the ear, even a dog that is not sitting on a chain.

Here you can learn from other people's examples. Researchers at Karolinska University have shown that observing that the object of your fear does not make other people feel uncomfortable can help you cope with your anxiety.

5. Take a break from worries

The more you think about frightening events, the more anxiety becomes. Simple relaxation techniques can help. For example, try breathing exercises: inhale slowly, counting to four, hold your breath for four counts, and then exhale - also counting to four. Breathe in this way for at least five minutes until you feel calm.

Exercise can also help combat fear. Going for a walk, stretching, or doing a short warm-up with jumps will all help clear obsessive thoughts out of your mind.

6. If fear does not allow you to live in peace, seek help

It happens that horror rolls over for no reason and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations: the heart is pounding, a person feels pain in his chest, it becomes difficult for him to breathe. This is how panic attacks manifest themselves - sudden attacks of unexplained anxiety lasting up to 30 minutes. They can overtake a person whenever they want, even in a dream.

The exact causes of panic attacks are still unknown. Genetics are involved here (if relatives have had panic attacks, you also run the risk of them), and temperament (some people are more sensitive to stress). It happens that seizures appear after the experienced shocks and serious changes in life - for example, the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one.

If you are faced with a panic attack, try to relax your muscles, breathe deeply and slowly. Remember: everything is all right with you, this is a temporary state, it will soon pass. If the attacks recur, you should see a doctor. Psychotherapy and medication will help keep the situation under control.



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