Table of contents:

Where does erysipelas come from and what to do with it
Where does erysipelas come from and what to do with it

Scratching the skin is not always harmless and can result in a serious infection.

Where does erysipelas come from and what to do with it
Where does erysipelas come from and what to do with it

What is erysipelas

Erysipelas, or erysipelas, is an infectious pathology in which the upper layers of the skin (dermis) and the lymphatic vessels located there infect group A streptococci. These bacteria secrete toxins that activate a complex chain of immune reactions. Therefore, the disease begins with vivid symptoms, is accompanied by allergies, is often exacerbated and leads to severe complications.

Since the cause of the disease is bacteria, it starts after contact with an infected person. Moreover, he does not have to have erysipelas: streptococci can cause streptococcal infections sore throat, scarlet fever, small acne and diaper rash. But inflammation after infection will appear only in two cases of Erysipelas: clinic, diagnosis, treatment:

  • if there is an innate sensitivity to a microbe;
  • if you have already had one of the streptococcal diseases.

What are the symptoms of erysipelas

After infection with streptococcus, it takes from several hours to 3-5 days before symptoms of Erysipelas appear: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. First, there is a feeling of malaise, weakness, temperature 38–40 ° C and chills, muscle aches. Then, on the skin of the legs or face (less often - the perineum, mammary glands or other parts of the body) there is a burning sensation, itching, and bursting pain. Some may have enlarged nearby lymph nodes.

Approximately 1-2 days after the first signs, the skin becomes inflamed where there were discomfort. A large red spot of Erysipelas appears on it. It is dense, hot and swollen, and it hurts a lot when pressed. This is due to the fact that the lymphatic vessels become inflamed and the interstitial fluid cannot flow through them.


See what erysipelas looks like Close

If erysipelas does not begin to treat Erysipelas: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment, after 2–5 days large bubbles with liquid inside are formed there. They can rupture themselves, after which wounds with yellow crusts are formed.

In advanced cases, the deep layers of the skin are damaged, the capillaries are destroyed, so the liquid in the bubbles turns dark brown. After the rupture of the skin membrane, the wounds are covered with brown crusts.

With treatment, erysipelas will gradually heal. But if another infection enters the focus or a deep layer of tissue is affected, an abscess forms, an ulcer, and in some cases necrosis develops, the tissues die off.

Why is erysipelas dangerous?

Sometimes the erysipelas turns into a chronic form and after 6–12 months the erysipelas aggravates again: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment. At the same time, the lymphatic system is more and more damaged, and lymph drainage worsens. Therefore, there is a persistent edema of the infected limb or its extreme degree - elephantiasis. The affected leg is greatly increased in size.

The risk of such a course of the disease is higher if a person has other Erysipelas pathologies: clinic, diagnosis, treatment, which are accompanied by impaired blood flow in the vessels. For example, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus. There is also a possibility of erysipelas on the legs if there is a fungal erysipelas infection on the feet.

How is erysipelas treated?

If the first symptoms of erysipelas appear, you need to consult a therapist. After examination, he will determine the type of pathology and prescribe treatment, and if the form is neglected or relapsed, he will send Erysipelas: clinic, diagnosis, treatment to the infectious diseases hospital. Any special diagnostics and analyzes are not needed.

The initial stages of erysipelas are treated with medications of several groups:

  • Antibiotics. The most commonly used penicillins are Erysipelas, to which streptococcus has not acquired resistance. But with a combination of different types of infection, the doctor will prescribe a combination of different antibacterial agents.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They help relieve pain, swelling, and lower fever.
  • Anticoagulants Erysipelas: recognition and management. They are prescribed for patients who are at increased risk of blood clots.

In case of a severe course of the disease, the detoxification of Erysipelas is carried out in a medical institution: clinic, diagnosis, treatment - special droppers are prescribed for this. If blisters appear on the legs, the patient is transferred to the surgical department to open the lesions, install drains to remove fluid from the tissues. Sometimes on the skin without blisters, Surgical treatment of erysipelas is done. Influence of decompression incisions on the results of treatment of patients with erysipelas; decompression incisions. These are vertical shallow wounds through which toxins and bacteria can escape to the outside and not enter the lymph flow.

How to prevent erysipelas

Despite the fact that the cause of the disease is known, there is no guaranteed way to prevent it. Doctors recommend avoiding skin damage, treating foot fungus in time, due to which streptococcus more easily penetrates the legs, and other Erysipelas diseases, in which blood flow in the vessels is disturbed. And those who have already suffered from erysipelas are prescribed courses of antibiotics.
