Table of contents:

Why does our body need fiber if it does not digest it?
Why does our body need fiber if it does not digest it?


Many of those who are serious about their diet, carefully calculate the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates, monitoring their correct ratio. But not everyone knows about the importance of fiber for normal digestion and overall health. We are filling this gap.

Why does our body need fiber if it does not digest it?
Why does our body need fiber if it does not digest it?

What is fiber

Fiber is dietary fiber. Quite simply, plant cell walls and complex carbohydrates that are inside these cells. It consists of polysaccharides - these are complex forms of carbohydrates.

As we know, we need carbohydrates to get energy. But the polysaccharides that make up fiber, we do not digest and do not break down into simple carbohydrates, that is, they are not suitable to serve as "fuel" for us. They have a different task, but also important.

There are two types of fiber:

  • Soluble - consists of polysaccharides that are inside plant cells and prevent them from drying out. It is found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
  • Insoluble - consists of polysaccharides that form plant cells. It is especially abundant in whole grains, but it is also found in other plant foods.

From these two types of substances the so-called dietary fiber consists - the one that we should consume. It can be obtained with food or as a supplement. For example, such as . It contains two types of fiber at once, obtained from grains, vegetables and fruits. They also taste like orange cream.

Why do we need fiber

First, for gut health. Insoluble fiber is not digested, it increases the volume of the stool - if there is a lot of fiber, then it will be regular and comfortable. It is easier for the intestine to work in such conditions.

Secondly, soluble fiber is required by many bacteria that live in the digestive tract. From interaction with them, substances are produced that are important for the whole organism. For example, short-chain fatty acids - they provide energy to cells of the large intestine, affect metabolism and have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, such acids can serve as food for other beneficial bacteria.

As a result, we need both types of fiber at least so that nothing breaks down and does not hurt in the intestines and throughout the body.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat Every Day

Minimum - 20 grams per day, better more - up to 35 grams. For example, the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences prescribes the guidelines listed in the table below.

Fiber: norms of use
Fiber: norms of use

Where to find fiber

In all vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, bran and nuts. Here are the leaders in fiber content:

Fiber content of foods (data from NUTRILITE)
Fiber content of foods (data from NUTRILITE)

What to do if I'm low on fiber

Fiber intake
Fiber intake

A fiber diet works in the long run. This means that if there is little of it in the diet, then at first it may not be noticed - it happens that there are no negative symptoms for a very long time. Therefore, it seems that you can do without fiber.

But in fact, the sooner you adjust the diet and add important substances to it, the better. After all, problems with the intestines and heart do not appear overnight.

Therefore, you should eat more fresh vegetables - 300 grams per day - and try to consume whole grains. Or take dietary supplements.

How to understand that the supplement is of high quality

When choosing dietary supplements based on fiber, read the label carefully. It should indicate the amount of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, as well as their percentage of the recommended daily intake - in one serving or dose per day. The more fiber you get in one meal or during the day, the better.

With a Daily Supplement, you will get 2.85 grams of soluble dietary fiber - that's 143% of your adequate daily intake. And this is not an overdose: this amount does not exceed the upper limit of the permissible daily norm. Plus, these chewable tablets are free of artificial colors, preservatives, and flavors and are mostly made from natural ingredients. And the taste of orange cream is also their merit.

For those for whom pills are not suitable, there is another form - it is a powder that can be dissolved in water or juice and taken as a drink. Another option is to sprinkle it on food. Neutral taste hardly changes the perception of familiar dishes. The powder supplement contains soluble fibers obtained from chicory roots, which does not reduce the effectiveness of the fiber. With a daily dose of this powder, your body will enter 115% of the adequate intake of soluble dietary fiber per day.

A Few More Questions About Fiber

Questions about fiber
Questions about fiber

Will it help you lose weight?

Possibly, but not directly. Fiber-rich foods provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Therefore, they help to cope with dietary restrictions, if necessary.

How to take fiber properly?

If we talk about vegetables and fruits, then they are best eaten fresh, unprocessed. So not only the fiber itself is stored in them, but also vitamins and nutrients.

If we are talking about supplements, then they should be put in food or drinks, or taken in the form of tablets - whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is to drink plenty of fluids, so as not to cause spasms in the intestines.

Are there any side effects from it?

There are almost no side effects from fiber. If only suddenly and abruptly add large portions of dietary fiber to the diet, then bloating can appear. Therefore, it is better to introduce them into the diet gradually and give the body the opportunity to rebuild.

For some other intestinal problems, fiber can worsen the condition. But this rarely happens.
