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How to do your homework faster
How to do your homework faster

These tips will help schoolchildren, their parents, students, and anyone else in school - regardless of age.

How to do your homework faster
How to do your homework faster

How much time should be spent on homework

Opinions on this matter may differ. But according to the sanitary rules and norms in force in Russia, there is no need to set homework in the first grade. And in the future, its execution should not take more than:

  • 1, 5 hours a day - in grades 2-3;
  • 2 hours a day - in grades 4–5;
  • 2, 5 hours a day - in 6-8 grade;
  • 3, 5 hours a day - in grades 9-11.

In comparison, the National Education Association of the United States of America adheres to the 10-minute rule: each next class spends 10 more minutes on an assignment than the previous one. So, a first grader must meet in 10 minutes, a second grader - at 20. In the sixth grade, preparation for lessons takes 1 hour, and for graduation - twelfth - 2 hours.

Research conducted in the United States shows that even older schoolchildren are contraindicated to sit over textbooks for more than 2 hours. Academic performance does not increase from this, but fatigue accumulates, and with it the desire to learn evaporates.

What prevents you from doing your homework quickly

As a rule, the process is slowed down by the following factors:

  • too complex program;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • inability to properly allocate time;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of motivation.

The first point - when the program is too difficult for a particular student - requires a serious revision of the educational process. You may have to talk to teachers, find tutors, or even transfer to a simpler educational institution.

But, as a rule, the matter is still in the other four reasons. If you pay attention to them at the start of the school year, then the chances of launching some important subject - and being among the chronically lagging behind - will be minimized.

How to help you focus

1. Organize a comfortable workplace

Too high or low tabletop, uncomfortable fit, extraneous noises - all these little things irritate, reduce concentration and, in general, have a bad effect on well-being.

Ideally, homework needs a separate desk opposite the window. The chair should be stable and adjustable to provide maximum comfort and relieve the back. If your feet do not rest on the floor, but are dangling in the air, buy a special stand.

2. Organize your desk and drawers

This is a prerequisite. First, the mess distracts attention. Secondly, it takes more time to find the necessary items that should be at hand. By removing all unnecessary, you can conveniently lay out notebooks, books and everything you need to complete the assignment.

3. Put your mobile aside and disconnect from social networks

Nothing distracts from homework more than instant messengers, mobile games and other gifts of a smartphone. While preparing for classes, put your mobile as far as possible and set the Do Not Disturb mode. Just in case, make a list of contacts who can reach you even in the midst of preparing for your math test.

If you are doing a task on a computer, get in the habit of disconnecting from all social networks.

4. Change into comfortable clothes

The less something presses, rubs, pricks and hinders movement, the more chances you have to focus on the main thing. In this case, at homework.

5. Put on classical music

This tip may not work for everyone, but it's worth a try. Some studies support Music during Lectures: Will Students Learn Better? that the classics promotes concentration and assimilation of information.

But not all classical music is equally useful. For example, symphony concerts, with their rich sound and dynamics, are more likely to distract from the primary task. But piano pieces by Mozart, Poulenc or Debussy can be an excellent background for lessons. Also good are the string quartets of the same Mozart, Bach's lute suites and guitar music.

How to allocate time correctly

1. Start your homework as early as possible

It is optimal to do everything right after class - while the acquired knowledge has not yet disappeared from the memory.

2. Arrange tasks by importance and urgency

There is always a task that can be postponed until tomorrow. And if there is a great risk that you still will not have time to make the entire volume today, it is better to devote more time to what is burning. For example, preparing for tomorrow's testing.

3. Start with the toughest challenges

The longer you sit on your homework, the lower your efficiency and concentration. And this is understandable: fatigue gradually accumulates. It makes sense to start with difficult tasks: you can do them with a fresh mind faster. And then move on to something simpler.

4. Take breaks

It would seem that there is a contradiction: if you need to do something faster, why waste time on breaks? But studies have repeatedly confirmed Brief diversions vastly improve focus, researchers find that after a pause, the ability to focus and work efficiency increase. This means that the problem can be solved in a shorter time frame.

This principle is the basis of one of the key methods of modern time management - the Pomodoro technique. The scheme “25 minutes hard work - 5 minutes rest” is also suitable for the educational process. The time periods may be different, but the meaning remains the same.

How to relieve fatigue

1. Reinforce your strength

After a hard day at school, it is undesirable to sit down for lessons on an empty stomach. Due to the lack of energy, you will fall asleep over the book and wade through tasks at the speed of a snail. A light snack and plenty of water will help replenish your stamina and energize your brain.

2. Ventilate the room

Fatigue can be caused by a lack of oxygen. It is good if fresh air is constantly circulating in the room. In cold weather, open windows for at least 5 minutes every hour.

3. Move more often

During breaks, be sure to get out of your chair, walk, or do a couple of exercises to warm up and release muscle tension.

How to improve motivation

1. Do not forget about the benefits of homework

Its implementation is not a useless and aimless pastime. Homework is needed to consolidate knowledge, gain new information, and feel more confident. Reminding yourself of the importance of what you are doing makes the process livelier.


Harris Cooper Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Duke University, Head of Research on Homework Effectiveness

Doing homework on a regular basis develops many useful skills, from time management to self-education skills and the need to constantly learn something new.

2. Make yourself happy during breaks

Read what they write to you in the messenger. Eat the candy. Or listen to your favorite soundtrack. Make the most of your five-minute break.

3. Do not skimp on praise

To a child - if you are a parent. To yourself - if you are a student. Each solved problem, written essay or learned verse deserves at least a brief but sincere delight: "Well done!"

4. Try to do without outside help

In case of difficulties, there is always a temptation to seek help from parents or acquaintances who are more savvy in the subject. Unaccustomed work on your own may take longer. But gradually comes the skill to quickly find the necessary information and solutions on their own. This, in turn, boosts self-esteem.

5. Plan something interesting

Encourage yourself or your child with pleasant plans for the evening. As soon as you finish with the lessons, you can finally eat ice cream, play a computer game, go to visit. The list is easy to continue.
