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A pre-workout warm-up that will wake up your muscles
A pre-workout warm-up that will wake up your muscles

Just remember it and do it always.

A versatile pre-workout warm-up to wake up your muscles
A versatile pre-workout warm-up to wake up your muscles

Why do you need to warm up before training

Everyone heard that you need to warm up before training - they talk about this even at school in physical education. But nobody explains why. Therefore, the motivation for warm-up is not enough.

And this is what you need for this:

  • So you can get more done in your workout. Warm-up is called warm-up for a reason - it increases the Effects of Warm-Up, Post-Warm-Up, and Re-Warm-Up Strategies on Explosive Efforts in Team Sports: A Systematic Review muscle temperature, after which they contract faster and better. This means that after the warm-up you will be able to raise The effects of different intensities and durations of the general warm ‑ up on leg press 1RM more weight, run faster, jump higher Effects of Warm ‑ Up, Post ‑ Warm ‑ Up, and Re ‑ Warm ‑Up Strategies on Explosive Efforts in Team Sports: A Systematic Review and better serve the ball.
  • So that the muscles do not hurt so much the next day after the load. Dynamic stretching before workout reduces The Effect of Warm-Up and Cool-Down Exercise on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in the Quadriceps Muscle: a Randomized Controlled Trial delayed muscle pain is a phenomenon that causes a lot of discomfort, reduces strength and does not help to build up muscles.
  • So that you do not get hurt. Some scientific papers prove Does warming up prevent injury in sport? The evidence from randomized controlled trials? that warming up reduces the risk of injury, while others do not see the relationship between warming up and the risk of tearing muscles or ligaments. But on one thing, scientists agree Effects of warming-up on physical performance: a systematic review with meta-analysis: a warm-up probably won't hurt. And if there is a chance that it will help you practice without injury, why not use it?

The warm-up does not take too long. The gold standard is Effects of Warm-Up, Post-Warm-Up, and Re-Warm-Up Strategies on Explosive Efforts in Team Sports: A Systematic Review 10-15 minutes. This is enough to properly prepare the body without exhausting the nervous system.

What does a pre-workout warm-up consist of?

Our warm-up takes 10-15 minutes and includes three parts:

  1. Light cardio will raise the temperature of the muscles.
  2. Static provisions activates your abs and hips to give you stability, a good sense of balance and control over your posture.
  3. Dynamic stretching will increase the range of motion so that you can do exercises with the correct technique without restrictions.

How to do cardio

This is a light activity - about 60% of the maximum effort - in which several muscle groups will work at once.

Light treadmill jogging or working on other cardiovascular equipment is ideal: rowing, elliptical, air bike (looks like a bicycle, but with handles, so you move your legs and arms).

Work at a conversational pace so that while you are active, you can maintain a conversation without gasping for breath.

If there are no machines and there is not enough room for running, try jumping rope or Jumping Jacks. They are also great for warming up the body. Do five intervals of this work: jump 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds.

How to do static exercises

The second part consists of four static exercises. Each position must be held for 30 seconds.

Your muscles will work isometrically - tense without moving the joints. You catch your breath after cardio, and your body continues to warm up.

Elbow plank

Warms up the muscles of the abdomen and shoulders.

While lying down, put your hands on your elbows, tighten your abs and buttocks and hold the position. Make sure that the lower back does not collapse.

Static squat

Exercise will warm your hips.

Warm Up Before Workout: Static Squat
Warm Up Before Workout: Static Squat

Stand next to the wall with your back to it. Lower into a squat to parallel hips with the floor and hold the position.

Side bar

Load the oblique abdominal muscles.

Warm Up Before Workout: Side Plank
Warm Up Before Workout: Side Plank

Stand in a side plank on your elbow, making sure that your body is stretched in one line from your shoulders to your feet, and that your pelvis does not drop down. Hold the position for 30 seconds in each direction.


Exercise will warm up the extensors of the back and buttocks.

Warm Up Before Workout: Superman
Warm Up Before Workout: Superman

Lie on the floor on your stomach, raise your arms and legs straight and hold the position, trying not to change the height of the limbs and straining the buttocks.

How to do dynamic stretching

There are four exercises here too.

Passive and active hang

Great options for stretching the shoulder girdle.

Grasp the horizontal bar with a straight grip shoulder-width apart and hang loosely so that your shoulders are pressed against your ears. Spend a couple of seconds in this position, then go to active hang - lower your shoulders and bring your shoulder blades so that your chest looks at the ceiling. Hold this position for two seconds, and then return to the passive hang and repeat.

Do 10 of these cycles. Try not to jump off the bar before completing the set.

"Cat - Cow" Squat and Table Pose

This bundle of motion will stretch the muscles in your back, hips, lower legs, and shoulders.

Get on all fours and bend well in your back as you exhale. Then, while inhaling, arch it like an angry cat.

Go into a deep squat. Press your heels to the floor, turn your knees to the sides and straighten your back from the tailbone to the neck. Sit like this for the next couple of seconds, and then place your palms on the floor behind your body and take a couple of steps with your hands back.

Point your hands with your fingers away from you, push your pelvis up and squeeze your buttocks, stretching the body from shoulders to knees in one straight line.

After two seconds in this position, perform the ligament in reverse order: return first to a deep squat, and then to all fours. Repeat from the beginning.

Count the number of cat-cow ligaments. You need to do it five times.

Cobra dog pose

This set of motion will stretch the back of your thighs, shoulders, and abs.

Lie on your stomach, lift your chest and stomach off the floor, keeping your body on outstretched arms, place your feet on the pads. Stretch with the crown of your head up and with your heels against the wall behind you. Feel your belly and shoulders stretch. In yoga, this pose is called "cobra".

From this position, move the pelvis up and back and stand "tick" - in the dog's pose. Stretch your arms and back in one straight line, feel the shoulders stretch. If there is a lot of pulling on the back of your legs, bend your knees slightly and lift your heels off the floor.

After this pose, return to the "cobra" again - lower the pelvis to the floor and straighten the body up, stretching the press.

Do five of these.

Deep lunge with the lower arm to the floor

These movements will increase the mobility of the thoracic spine and stretch the hips.

Sink into a deep lunge with your right foot in front. Place your palms on the floor, keep your left foot on the pillow, straighten your leg at the knee.

Tilt your torso forward, place your right elbow next to your right heel and lower your forearm to the floor. Spend a few seconds in the pose, then raise your hand and rotate the body to the right. Stretch your hand towards the ceiling, direct your gaze there.

Wait a couple of seconds, then switch legs and repeat. Do four times on each leg.

How to supplement the warm-up before training

In addition to basic warming up movements, do not forget about special ones - for your sport.

For example, for running there are running exercises, for football it's good to do a FIFA 11+ warm-up, for strength training - a ladder of introductory approaches with lighter weights, for sprints - jumping into a hole.

The main rule is to knead what will work. And strain to 40-60% of your maximum effort.

After warming up, you can rest for 3-5 minutes before the main activity. But do not tighten - after 15 minutes, the temperature of the muscles will return to what it was before warming up.

What exactly should not be included in the warm-up

There are several activities that researchers do not recommend for warm-up:

  1. Static stretch. These are movements in which you take a pose at the edge of your range and hold it for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. These exercises are effective for developing joint mobility, but they also reduce the Acute Effects of Static and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on Muscle Strength and Power Output. Therefore, if you are going to come to grips with flexibility, do it after your main workout.
  2. Long cardio. For all its benefits, jogging for 30 minutes or more or exercising on machines can exhaust the central nervous system and reduce Concurrent training: a meta ‑ analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercises. High volume of endurance training impairs adaptations to 12 weeks of strength training in well-trained endurance athletes performance in strength training and hypertrophy after it. Therefore, put this cardio on a separate day, or at least do it at the end of the session.

Warm up without fanaticism. Stretch your muscles gently, concentrate on your body and tune in to your workout. Leave all worries and problems outside the doors of the sports hall or stadium, and then the activity will be both effective and safe.

List of Universal Warm Up Exercises:

  1. Five minutes of running (or cardio) at a conversational pace. Can be replaced with five intervals of jumping rope or Jumping Jacks exercises - 40 seconds of movement and 20 seconds of rest.
  2. Forearm plank - 30 seconds.
  3. Wall Squat - 30 seconds
  4. Side plank - 30 seconds each way.
  5. Superman - 30 seconds.
  6. Passive and active hang - 10 times.
  7. "Cat - cow", squat and table posture - five links.
  8. Cobra Dog Pose - Five Ligaments.
  9. A deep lunge with the elbow dropping to the floor - four ligaments from each leg.
