Table of contents:

Why did you stop losing weight and how to start losing weight again
Why did you stop losing weight and how to start losing weight again

If the kilograms do not go away, this does not necessarily mean that there is no progress in losing weight.

Why did you stop losing weight and how to start losing weight again
Why did you stop losing weight and how to start losing weight again

Many people who lose weight meet with the problem of plateaus: at first, the weight quickly decreases, and then it freezes.

There are two options for stopping the weight: when you continue to lose fat, but the mass does not change, and when progress stops completely. Let's figure out the reasons for these phenomena.

Why does fat go away, but weight does not go down?

1. Liquid retention

Long-term calorie restriction raises levels of stress hormone cortisol. It, among other things, retains fluid in the body.

Excess sodium can also cause fluid retention. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation prescribes to consume 2.5 g of sodium per day. With the habit of salty foods, you can easily exceed this norm. For example: 100 g of sausage contains 1, 8-2, 2 g of sodium, and 100 g of medium-salted herring contains twice as much - 4, 8 g.

How to understand that fluid is retained in the body:

  1. Buy that show the percentage of body fluids.
  2. Check for symptoms: discolored skin, swelling of the face and limbs, stiff joints.
  3. Estimate the amount of salty food in the diet.

How to solve the problem:

  1. Reduce cortisol levels by temporarily increasing the amount of healthy, high-carb foods.
  2. Eliminate foods high in sodium.

2. Increase in muscle mass

If you are doing strength training, muscle mass grows due to exertion. As a result, the fat is lost, but the weight does not decrease.

Since muscles are heavier than fat with the same volume, the weight can even increase. At the same time, body composition and appearance will change for the better.

Why Weight Doesn't Go: Muscle to Fat Ratio
Why Weight Doesn't Go: Muscle to Fat Ratio

How to understand that this is precisely the case:

  1. Buy a smart scale that measures body fat and muscle mass.
  2. Measure and compare your waist and hips. Fat is lighter, but more voluminous, so if body composition changes, so will size.

If within 10 days neither weight nor volume changes, a real plateau has come.

Why did the fat stop going away?

There is a simple explanation for this effect: the calorie deficit is gone. In other words, you consume more or as much as you spend.

The body wants to get rid of the deficit and equalize the consumption and expenditure of calories. If you don't provide enough energy to do this, the body can handle it on its own.

After a few days of dieting, your metabolism slows down and you spend fewer calories on physical activity.

You consume exactly the same number of calories as before stopping the weight, but the body spends them much more economically. Because of this, the calorie deficit disappears, and with it progress.

In addition, appetite increases in the first two months of the diet. If you don't count calories, there is a big risk of eating more without even realizing it.

I especially want something tasty after a workout, if it is not too intense and enjoyable. The body requires calories, and you think, "I just did a good job, why not indulge in something delicious?" At the same time, a chocolate bar after a half-hour run will fully replenish the spent energy.

If you break loose and eat something high in calories, the body will immediately assimilate everything and transfer it into fat reserves. Cells crave glucose and fatty acids to replace losses. Therefore, ill-conceived cheat meals can rob you of results in an entire week.

How to overcome a plateau

1. Counting calories

It's boring and time-consuming, but it's hard to get past the plateau without the math. Our own sensations do not give us accurate information, especially when the body is trying to conserve energy. Calculate your calorie intake and subtract 25% from it - it is effective for weight loss and safe for health.

2. Change your diet

If you cannot or do not want to count calories, reconsider your diet: exclude sweet and starchy foods, add more protein. It will help control appetite and maintain muscle mass.

3. Increase physical activity

Michael Matthews, trainer and author of books on weight loss and gaining muscle mass, recommends 4-5 hours of strength training and 1.5-2 hours of high-intensity aerobic activity per week. For example, this could be 60 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of high-intensity cardio four times a week.

If you are absolutely sure that there is a calorie deficit, but weight and volume have not decreased for more than 10 days, the reasons may not depend on activity and diet. For example, you may have thyroid problems or constant stress. Consult your doctor - a specialist will assess the symptoms and, if necessary, prescribe tests.
