Table of contents:

How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: a training and nutrition program for a sustainable result
How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: a training and nutrition program for a sustainable result

Extra pounds will not come back.

How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: a training and nutrition program for a sustainable result
How to lose weight by 5-10 kg: a training and nutrition program for a sustainable result

What are the advantages of the program

The program is designed for 5 months and includes not only training, but also a calorie deficit diet. If you follow all the instructions, you will lose from 1.5 to 2.5 kg per month. This is the ideal speed: you will not harm your health and will only lose fat, not water and muscle. This means that you will get rid of those extra pounds completely.

The life hacker advises against quitting the program after reaching the desired weight. You can gradually return to the previous calorie diet, but continue to eat healthy and exercise. This will help you maintain your weight.

Who is this weight loss workout program for?

  1. People without problems with joints and spine, heart and blood vessels.
  2. People with little overweight. This means that your body mass index is within normal limits, but you do not like your appearance and want to lose up to 10 kg.

Calculate your body mass index using the formula: body weight / height². Mass should be in kilograms and height in meters. Look for the resulting number in the table:

BMI Status
<18, 5 Underweight
18, 5–24, 9 Normal body weight
25–29, 9 Preobesity
30–34, 9 Obesity I degree
35–39, 9 Obesity II degree
>40 Obesity III degree

What is included in the program

There are many ways to make your body lose fat. The life hacker has chosen blended workouts that include:

  1. Run … This is a great way to burn more calories.
  2. Bodyweight Strength Training … They will help you build and strengthen your muscles. The more muscle, the more calories it takes to serve it. Plus, strength training boosts testosterone, which helps burn fat.
  3. Interval workouts - exercises performed one after the other with little or no rest. When the body adjusts to the stress and stops losing fat, interval training will push the progress. You can also use them on days when there is no time for cardio and strength training.

How to train to lose 5-10 kg

You will practice four days a week. On Wednesday, try to walk more and spend time actively. On weekends, spend 30 to 90 minutes walking.

Day of week 1st month 2nd month 3rd month 4th month 5th month
Mon. Run Run Run Run Run
Tue Power Power Power Power + interval Power + interval
Wed - - - - -
NS. Run Run Run Run Run
Fri. Power Power Power Power + interval Power + interval
Sat. - Sun. 30 minutes walk 60 minutes walk 90 minutes walk 90 minutes walk 90 minutes walk

Slimming workout program: month 1

Running according to the scheme 30/30

This pattern will help you get used to running without much discomfort. The workout will take 30 minutes, and running without stopping should be at least 30 seconds.

Here's the diagram you will use to train:

  • Warm up - 10 minutes walk.
  • 15 minutes of alternating jogging (about 8 km / h) and stride: 30 seconds of running, walking until recovery. Walk until you feel the strength to run for the next 30 seconds. If you can run for more than 30 seconds, do so.
  • Hitch - 5 minutes walk.

How To Start Running: The Complete Beginner's Guide →

Strength training: nate 1-2

  • Press crunches - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Raises arms and legs - 3 sets of 16 reps.
  • Support push-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Reverse push-ups - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Squats - 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Glute Bridge - 3 sets of 15 reps

Crunches on the press

How to lose 10 kg: crunches on the press
How to lose 10 kg: crunches on the press

Tear off only the shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor, the lower back remains motionless throughout the entire exercise. Put your palms behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides.

Raises of arms and legs

How to lose 10 kg: Raises the arms and legs
How to lose 10 kg: Raises the arms and legs

Raise the opposite arm and leg alternately.

Support push-ups

How to lose 10 kg: push-ups from the support
How to lose 10 kg: push-ups from the support

This exercise will help prepare your muscles for the classic push-ups. During push-ups, the elbows are at an angle of 45 degrees or less, the shoulders are lowered, the abs and glutes are tense, and the body is in a straight line.

How to learn to push up 50 times in a month →

Reverse push-ups

How to lose 10 kg: Reverse push-up
How to lose 10 kg: Reverse push-up

Turn your back to the static support, place your hands on it with your fingers towards you and perform push-ups. Try to lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor.


How to lose 10 kg: Squats
How to lose 10 kg: Squats

Try to squat deeply, but at the same time keep your back straight, do not lift your heels off the floor, and spread your knees. Turn the toes of your feet 45 degrees.

Gluteal bridge

How to lose 10 kg: Glute bridge
How to lose 10 kg: Glute bridge

Lift your pelvis by straining your gluteal muscles.

Strength training: nate 3-4

  • Crunches on the press - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Knee push-ups - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Reverse push-ups - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Squats - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Glute Bridge - 3 sets of 20 reps


How to lose 10 kg: Superman
How to lose 10 kg: Superman

Lie on the floor on your stomach, at the same time raise your straight arms and legs. Hold the pose for 1-2 seconds, then lower yourself down and repeat the exercise.

Knee push-ups

How to lose 10 kg: Knee push-ups
How to lose 10 kg: Knee push-ups

You can do push-ups from two knees or try a more difficult option - from one. Straighten the other leg and do not lower it to the floor until the end of the exercise. At the bottom, touch the floor with your chest.

Slimming Workout Program: Month 2


  • 10 minutes walk.
  • 15 minutes of running, if possible without stopping.
  • 5 minutes walk.

A simple exercise to help you run properly →

Strength training: weeks 1-2

  • Press Folds - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Push-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps: 3 classic + 17 from the knees.
  • Reverse push-ups with straight legs - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Squats - 3 sets of 25 reps
  • Single-leg pelvic raises - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Press folds

How to lose 10 kg: Folds on the press
How to lose 10 kg: Folds on the press

Bend your knees at a right angle, keep your palms behind your head, try not to bring your elbows together.

Do not fix your feet by tucking them under a cabinet or sofa: if the abdominal muscles are not strong enough, fixation can harm the spine.

Classic push-ups

How to lose 10 kg: Classic push-ups
How to lose 10 kg: Classic push-ups

Place your wrists under your shoulders, tighten your abs and glutes, and do not bend your knees. At the bottom, touch the floor with your chest and hips.

Do push-ups for a month, 100 times a day. This is what happens to your body after that →

Reverse push-ups with straight legs

How to lose 10 kg: Reverse push-ups with straight legs
How to lose 10 kg: Reverse push-ups with straight legs

Try to lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. But not lower, otherwise you risk injury.

One-leg pelvic raises

How to lose 10 kg: Raising the pelvis on one leg
How to lose 10 kg: Raising the pelvis on one leg

Lie on the floor on your back, bend one leg at the knee and place it on the heel, straighten the other. Raise and lower your pelvis, feeling the glute muscles tighten. Then switch legs.

Strength training: weeks 3-4

  • Press Folds - 3 sets of 25 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Push-ups - 3 sets of 20 reps: 5 classic + 15 from the knees.
  • Reverse push-ups with straight legs - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Lunges in place - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
  • Single-leg pelvic raises - 3 sets of 15 reps

Onsite lunges

How to lose 5 kg: lunges on the spot
How to lose 5 kg: lunges on the spot

The knee angle of the front leg should be 90 degrees. Keep your back straight. Make sure that the knee does not protrude beyond the toe.

How to make knee-safe lunges →

Slimming workout program: month 3


You will run 400 meters more each week this month than the previous month. Run at a pace that is comfortable for you, but do not stop until the end of the distance.

  • Week 1 - 2, 4 km running.
  • Week 2 - 2, 8 km running.
  • Week 3 - 3.2 km running.
  • Week 4 - 3.6K run.

Before running, be sure to warm up:

  • 5 minutes brisk walk.
  • Joint warm-up and dynamic stretching, as in the video below.

After your workout, cool down:

  • 5 minutes walk.
  • Static leg stretch. Choose one exercise from this article to stretch your glutes, thighs (front, back, outer, and inner surfaces), and calf muscles. Hold each position for 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Power training: weeks 1-2

  1. Press Folds - 3 sets of 30 reps.
  2. Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  3. Classic push-ups - 3 sets of 7 reps.
  4. Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  5. Bounce Squats - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  6. Raises the pelvis with the legs on the dais - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Dumbbell Reverse Leg Dips

How to Lose 5 kg: Reverse Leg Dips
How to Lose 5 kg: Reverse Leg Dips

Try to descend to the parallel of your shoulders with the floor, but not lower.

Jump squats

Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or slightly lower, and then jump out. You don't have to jump high. The main thing is that the feet are completely off the floor.

Common Squat Mistakes and How to Fix Them →

Raises the pelvis with legs on a dais

How to lose 5 kg: Raises the pelvis with daisy legs
How to lose 5 kg: Raises the pelvis with daisy legs

Raise your pelvis as high as possible. The higher the support, the more difficult the exercise.

Strength training: weeks 3-4

  • Press Folds - 3 sets of 30 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Classic push-ups - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Raise steps - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
  • Raises the pelvis with the legs on the dais - 3 sets of 15 reps.

Stepping up the dais

How to lose 5 kg: walking up an elevation
How to lose 5 kg: walking up an elevation

During the step, the knee is slightly turned to the side, it should not be turned inward. Do not rest your hands on your leg when lifting, at the top, fully straighten.

Slimming Workout Program: Month 4


This month you will be mastering new distances. Like last time, 400 meters are added every week. Warm up and cool down remain the same.

  • Week 1 - 4 km.
  • Week 2 - 4.4 km.
  • Week 3 - 4, 8 km.
  • Week 4 - 5 km.

Strength training: weeks 1-2

  • V-folds on the abs - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Classic push-ups - 3 sets of 12 reps.
  • Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Single Leg Split Squats - 3 sets of 15 reps for each leg.
  • Shoulder Rises - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.


How to lose 5 kg: V-folds
How to lose 5 kg: V-folds

Lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms over your head, and straighten your legs. Raise your body and legs and touch your toes to your feet. Return to starting position and repeat.

Split squats on one leg

How to Lose 5 kg: Single Leg Split Squats
How to Lose 5 kg: Single Leg Split Squats

While squatting, turn the knee of your supporting leg slightly outward.

Raises the pelvis with support under the shoulders

How to lose 5 kg: Raises the pelvis with support under the shoulders
How to lose 5 kg: Raises the pelvis with support under the shoulders

Lean your shoulders on a firm surface, keep your free leg on weight throughout the exercise. While straining your gluteal muscles, try to raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Strength training: weeks 3-4

  • V-folds on the abs - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Classic Leg Raise Push-ups - 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 17 reps.
  • Hill Jump - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Shoulder Rises - 3 sets of 15 reps for each leg.

Classic push-ups with a leg lift

Push up in full range, until your chest touches the floor. Raise your leg as high as possible - this way you maximize the use of the gluteal muscles. Alternate legs.

Jumping up the hill

Find a stable elevation: a stable chair, a bench in the park. Check your surroundings so that you don't bump into sharp or hard objects when you fall. Fully straighten at the top if the chair or cabinet is tall.

Interval workouts

Alternate between two workouts. For example, do the first only on Tuesdays, the second only on Thursdays.

Do the exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 40 seconds. From the beginning of the next minute, do a new exercise on the list.

Make two circles. You can rest between circles, but not more than 1 minute.

First workout

Jumping jacks

Frog jumping

Jumps in place

Lowering to the elbows in the bar

Jumping lunges

Second workout


Sumo squats with a rise of the knee to the elbow

Jumping "Legs together - legs apart" in a lying position

Jump squats

Push-ups with access to the side bar

What happens to you if you do the plank every day →

Slimming Workout Program: Month 5


Run 5 km each workout at your own pace. Warm up and cool down are the same as last month.

If you still have strength and want to increase the distance, please. Just don't add a lot at once: 400 meters will be enough.

Power training: weeks 1-2

  • V-folds for abs - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Push-ups - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  • Bounce Squats - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 17 reps.
  • Wall Squat - 3 sets of 30 seconds
  • One-Leg Pelvis Raises - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

Wall Squat

How to Lose 5kg: Wall Squat
How to Lose 5kg: Wall Squat

Sit down to parallel hips with the floor and hold the position for a given time.

Elevations of the pelvis with one leg on the dais

How to Lose 5 Kg: One-Leg Pelvis Raises
How to Lose 5 Kg: One-Leg Pelvis Raises

Raise your pelvis as high as possible.

Power training: weeks 3-4

  1. V-folds on abs - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  2. Superman - 3 sets of 20 reps
  3. Push-ups - 3 sets of 15 reps.
  4. Dumbbell Reverse Dips - 3 sets of 20 reps.
  5. Wall Pistols - 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
  6. One-Leg Pelvis Raises - 3 sets of 12 reps for each leg.

Wall mounted pistols

How to lose 5 kg: Wall-mounted pistols
How to lose 5 kg: Wall-mounted pistols

Sit down on one leg, do not wrap your knee inward. Use a wall or stand for support.

Interval workouts

Alternate interval workouts as you did last month. This month, workouts are performed in the EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) format: do each exercise from the beginning of the minute, and rest the rest of the minute.

First EMOM workout - 10 minutes

  • Burpee - 20 times.
  • Jumping rope - 50 times.

From the beginning of the first minute, you do 20 burpees, the rest of the minute you rest. From the beginning of the second minute, do 50 jumps over the rope, rest the rest of the time. If you can't fit in a minute, move on to the next exercise without rest.

It turns out that in 10 minutes you will do 5 sets of burpees and 5 sets of jumps.

Why You Should Include Jumping Rope In Your Workouts →

Second EMOM workout - 10 minutes

Burpee with a jump to a hill - 10 times.

Plank - 30 seconds.

How to lose 5 kg: plank
How to lose 5 kg: plank

How to eat to lose 5-10 kg

5 main rules of nutrition

  1. Consume 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Protein will help reduce hunger and preserve muscle mass as you lose weight. Here is a list of protein-rich foods.
  2. Limit or completely eliminate sugar and sweets, white bread, and baked goods.
  3. Eat more fiber from fruits and vegetables, and whole grains.
  4. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.
  5. Reduce the calorie intake.

Calorie counting

Without a calorie deficit, you won't be able to lose weight quickly, even with a full exercise program. First, calculate your calorie intake based on weight, height, and age.

How to calculate your daily calorie intake to lose weight and not harm yourself →

In the first month, subtract 400 kcal from the resulting norm, if you have no contraindications for health reasons.

But remember: you must consume at least 1200 kcal per day. Lack of micronutrients can harm your health.

Return 50 calories to your diet every month. For example, if your daily allowance is 1,800 kcal, you will consume 1,400 kcal in the first month, 1,450 kcal in the second, 1,500 kcal in the third, 1,550 in the fourth, and 1,600 in the fifth.

At the end of the program, it is advisable to adhere to the same scheme: add 50-100 kcal per month until you reach your calorie intake with a new weight.

6 services and apps for counting calories →

How to calculate the calorie content of a complex dish →

If you know in advance that you won't last long, follow the 6 rules of losing weight without counting calories. This will slow down progress, but still provide results, as opposed to not dieting altogether.

How to lose weight and maintain weight, not counting calories →

What else to read about losing weight

How to lose weight in a month: working instructions →

How to lose weight in a week and stay alive →

How to lose weight by 18 kg in six months using calorie counting: personal experience →

8 Best Exercises for Weight Loss →

Top 5 Diet Mistakes That Prevent You From Losing Weight →

How to lose weight: the best tips from Lifehacker →
