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Can I raise a toast? Is the price cheap? And 9 more cases when the combination of words is seriously puzzling
Can I raise a toast? Is the price cheap? And 9 more cases when the combination of words is seriously puzzling

Correctly selected phrases will help you better convey the idea and show off your impeccable knowledge of the Russian language.

Can I raise a toast? Is the price cheap? And 9 more cases when the combination of words is seriously puzzling
Can I raise a toast? Is the price cheap? And 9 more cases when the combination of words is seriously puzzling

Lexical compatibility is the ability of a word to be used with another word in one speech fragment. Historically, some elements of the language are well combined with each other, but some in no way. Often there is no logical explanation for this, it is just the tradition of word usage.

Philologists study these traditions and record the norms that have developed in a natural way in reference books and dictionaries. Such manuals become a guide for native speakers. Authoritative sources include, for example, the Dictionary of the Combination of Words in the Russian Language, edited by PN Denisov and VV Morkovkin - you can refer to it if you have doubts.

We have selected 11 cases in which questions often arise about whether words fit together well and how not to be mistaken when choosing a suitable pair.

Make a difference and play a role

These two expressions are often confused and confused. The result is erroneous "play the meaning" and "have a role." But the meaning cannot be played, unlike the role that is usually played. As in the theater - it was from there that this expression got into everyday speech.

Open the mind

The word "horizon" has a Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (chief editor - S. A. Kuznetsov) figurative meaning - "the amount of interests, knowledge, ideas." It appeared on the basis of the direct - "the space that you can look around." Historically, the horizontal plane is meant here: our ancestors were interested in what is happening around them on earth. Therefore, the horizon is wide and narrow, but not high and low. Therefore, it cannot be raised or lowered - these concepts are associated with the vertical. And the expression "to raise one's horizons" is erroneous.

Make an effort

A common mistake is "make an effort." However, they usually take steps and attempts. This verb is not combined with the word "effort".

Indigenous Muscovite

Often this phrase is confused with another (incorrect) - "an inveterate Muscovite."

But the word “hardened” is usually used when talking about something bad (“deeply rooted prejudice”, “hardened criminal”, “hardened drunkard”) or about something old (“deeply rooted habit”). In relation to life in Moscow, and in any other city, neither of the two meanings is suitable.

Anticipate trouble

Many people say "anticipate trouble." Also, this verb is used with the words "misfortune", "illness" or "failure". But this is a mistake.

"To anticipate" means "to experience a pleasant feeling from something in advance, to expect something with pleasure." So they say something good, and if we are talking about unpleasant things, this verb is not used.

In early childhood

There is an expression “deep old age”, so many people say “in deep childhood” by analogy. However, the adjective “deep” is combined with “autumn” and “winter”, but not with “spring” or “summer”; with "night", but not with "morning" or "afternoon"; with "old age", but not with "youth" or "childhood."

Doomed to Success

"Doomed" means "one who is awaiting misfortune, death." This word is used when talking about something bad.

However, the expression “doomed to success” can be not only a mistake, but also a means of expressiveness: it can be used to convey irony.

Scary handsome

The words "scary" and "beautiful" are antonyms, you cannot have both of these qualities at the same time, so the expression is considered unfortunate.

Meanwhile, in colloquial speech, it is permissible to use “scary” in the meaning of “very”, and “scary” in the meaning of “distinguished from others by its positive or negative qualities; exceptional.

So this is the case when it seems impossible, but if you really want to, then you can. And of course, just like “doomed to succeed,” we can use this expression ironically.

Raise a toast

In the context of a feast, a toast is speech, and it is impossible to raise a speech. The toast is made.

However, the word "toast" is in old dictionaries, for example, in Dahl V. I. Dal. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language and Ushakov, has one more meaning - "glass, glass, goblet of wine." And you can pick it up and drink it.

It is interesting that there is no such meaning in Kuznetsov's explanatory dictionary, but there is “to raise a toast” and “to drink a toast”.

So you can still use this expression. But be prepared to explain his story to those who do not know the old meaning of the word "toast" and do not understand how you are going to raise the speech.

Cheap price

Cheap is one that costs little. Goods, fabrics, raw materials, groceries - everything that is bought can cost little. But not the prices. Therefore, “low price” is correct.

However, Kuznetsov's dictionary indicates the Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Ch. Ed. - S. A. Kuznetsov) the expression "cheap price" as quite normal. It is also in Ushakov's dictionary. The same goes for the expression “high price”.

So, although logic and most philologists are against "cheap" and "expensive" prices, some dictionaries do not see any crime in them.
