Table of contents:

Believe-not-believe and 6 more cases when there are two hyphens in the word
Believe-not-believe and 6 more cases when there are two hyphens in the word

Some examples follow general rules, others need to be memorized or checked against a dictionary.

Believe-not-believe and 6 more cases when there are two hyphens in the word
Believe-not-believe and 6 more cases when there are two hyphens in the word

There is a myth that words cannot contain two hyphens in Russian. As much as you can. And here's the proof.

1. Mother-and-stepmother

If a noun has the form of a phrase with a service word, then it is written with two hyphens: “mother-and-stepmother”, “ivan-da-Marya”, “son-without-father” (plant).

2. Believe - not - believe

In constructions with repetitions, no sign is placed between two parts if at least one of the parts contains a space: "like it or not," "it can't wait," "don't need it, but …".

However, nouns formed according to the "word + not + word" scheme obey the same rule as "mother-and-stepmother." So if we are talking about the name of the game, then "believe-do not believe" is a noun that is written with two hyphens.

3. Exactly

Expressions "side by side", "side by side", "one on one" are written separately. However, a hyphenated spelling was stuck for “exactly”, because “exactly” is not used in the language on its own.

4. Tete-a-tete

This word, like pas de deux, is spelled with two hyphens. In general, if a noun consists of two or more elements and they are not used separately in the Russian language (independently or as repeating parts of complex words), then both a continuous spelling and a hyphenated one are possible. Therefore, each such case should be checked against a dictionary.

5. North-north-east

The names of the cardinal points are written with a hyphen: "north-east", "north-west", "southeast", "south-west". And the second hyphen appears in the names of the following intermediate directions: “north-north-east”, “north-north-west”, “south-southeast”, “south-south-west”.

6. Rostov-on-Don

If there is a service word in the middle of a Russian or a foreign-language geographical name, then you need to put two hyphens: “Rostov-on-Don”, “Komsomolsk-on-Amur”, “Frankfurt-on-Main”, “Pas-de-Calais”, "Rio de Janeiro".

7. Super-business plan

According to the rules, if a word already contains a hyphen, then prefixes and the first parts of compound words are also attached with a hyphen: “super-business plan”, “counter-top-spin”, “ultra-hurray-patriot”, “video-conference communication”,“pseudo-social-democrat”,“TV-press-conference”.

And if there is no hyphen in the word, then after the prefix or the first part of complex words it is not needed: "super action", "counter-revolution", "ultra-fashionable", "video communication", "pseudo-art", "TV show".
