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How to write a cool post about anything
How to write a cool post about anything

Appropriate jokes, vivid details, and most importantly - breaking the reader's expectations will help in this.

How to write a cool post about anything
How to write a cool post about anything

To collect hearts on social networks, you can complain about the new law, publish a motivating quote or put a pretty photo. But everyone does it. Therefore, I suggest another way - to write the same notes, only in a new way to break expectations.

About travel

Travel posts on social networks are always the same: pictures of the sea, stories about food, admiration for architecture. You can't win this competition, because people who were in those places will come in the comments and write: "Oh, we went there too a month ago, be sure to have breakfast at Machete!"

The travel record will stand out from the rest of the same posts in the feed if expectations are broken.


The third day in Barcelona, and I don't want to go home. We haven't eaten all the paella yet and we haven't drunk all the sangria. I'm already sad to leave in a week.

Breaking expectations

The third day in Barcelona, and I don't want to go home. We haven't eaten all the paella yet and we haven't drunk all the sangria. Probably because paella for two costs 20 euros and makchiken costs 3 euros. Sorry paella, but you don't have enough money for you.

Another way is not to tell the good, but the bad or unusual. Your friends will still tell you about the good, so you can relax and give free rein to your feelings.

If you think that Budapest has wonderful architecture and inexpensive delicious food, then you are right. But there is also something else: a gypsy camp near the airport; tramps sleep on the porches of houses and shops; dark streets in the evening, the lanterns are very pale, the lights in the windows are off; dogs are allowed in cafes, dogs come up to other people's tables, put muzzles on them, poke their noses at guests; high humidity, so it is better not to come in December, two pants do not warm. Come to Budapest!

Another option is to combine benefit and fun and post an expense diary. And let this information be fair.

So, the expenses for the third day of your trip to Barcelona:

  • had breakfast at home, bought food the day before - 0 €;
  • two trips on the metro for two - 4 €;
  • mojito on the beach - 3 €;
  • rubber salmon - 8 €;
  • lunch for two - 20 €;
  • five magnets - 15 €;
  • tickets to Park Guell for two - 15 €;
  • dinner - 25 €.

First, the list of expenses will tell everyone how well you rested. Secondly, everyone is interested in counting other people's money. And thirdly, rubber salmon. If rubber salmon was not there, it would have to be invented to make the reader have fun. And now you know what you will be asked about in the comments.

Complaint about life

You can complain about life so that it makes everyone have fun. It seemed like they were drowning, but they seemed to be joking and did not infuriate anyone.


That feeling when it’s Monday, and you’re already blown away.


That feeling when you work all week, negotiate with clients, swear with colleagues, get drunk by the weekend, and then you find out it's still Monday.

There are two secrets here: intrigue and details. The first option immediately gives out about Monday, so there is no intrigue in it; and in the second, first a big description, and then Monday - it breaks expectations. The second post is also filled with details, tells in detail what it means to "hoped", so it turns out more sharply.

Gather the money

All the stories about fundraising for treatment are similar. They always act on pity, and this is the surest way to get the right amount. But if such notes come across all the time, the effect weakens. I hope I never have to write such a text, but I would have composed it differently.

The trip to the sea was canceled, although it was supposed to be huge. Olesya and Pavel have two children: a girl of eight and a boy of six - and they have never been to the sea, so they gathered in two months. Bought sunblock, a rubber ring and new swimwear. They planned to go by train and took tickets in advance, and the children told their friends about the trip, they were so happy.

One day they will go to the sea. Not this year and not next, and maybe not even in two years, but the main thing is to have a full lineup.

Olesya has leukemia, and now it is impossible to plan anything. But this story may well become a story with a happy ending: Olesya has a donor, her brother, and this means that there is a good chance of recovery.

Children now spend almost all their time with their grandmother. They were upset about the trip, but when it was explained to them that their mother was ill, they understood everything. My daughter heard the conversation of adults about money and gave her parents 700 rubles, which she had saved up from gifts. Parents try not to scare children and talk less about the disease. Olesya is holding on, because she cannot become limp at all: after all, there is a donor, this is already good.

Money for treatment

If you are ready to help Olesya's family, transfer any amount, at least 50, at least 100 rubles. Do not be shy and think that this is too little - this is the case when it is better to send a little bit than nothing.

Much of Olesya's treatment will be free, but after it she will need a long recovery and regular trips to a hospital in Moscow. This is all at least 1.5 million rubles for the next year. One and a half million, so that one day Olesya went to the sea with her children.

The donation can be transferred to the card: 1234 0987 5678 5432.

This text is designed to evoke emotion, like all such notes. But he wins in three ways:

  • There is no long description of the disease. Often in such stories there is detailed information about how a person got sick, what exactly, why it is expensive to treat. But the reader does not understand all these diagnoses, so a simple designation of the disease is quite enough.
  • The emphasis has been shifted from illness and the need for money for the future of the familyso the text looks a little more optimistic. When readers are told in detail about a disease and difficult treatment, they are drawn into a very sad story. And here the treatment seems to be not an end in itself, but just a necessity, so that later Olesya and her children would go to the sea. It's a little more enjoyable to participate in this.
  • Block with an offer to donate is separated from the whole story, and this looks more honest in relation to the reader than in the case when the call for help is somehow mixed into the story. Thanks to the subheading, we give a signal that now we are going to talk about money, and the audience has a choice whether to read it or not.

Of course, if all donation announcements become like this, then they will stop working. Therefore, the secret is to look for new moves, try different structures, build drama. And if it increases the chances of raising the required amount, it will be worth the effort.
