Table of contents:

5 ways to change yourself for the better
5 ways to change yourself for the better

You will save a lot of energy, time and money in the future if you start working on yourself now.

5 ways to change yourself for the better
5 ways to change yourself for the better

1. Do not leave yourself loopholes

Imagine a person who wants to stop eating sweets or drinking alcohol. He promises himself to abstain all day and only in the evening to eat a small piece of dessert or a little drink. As a result, he cannot think of anything else all day. This makes it a hundred times harder to completely break a bad habit.

If you really want to change your behavior, give up the idea that you can do something 98%.

Consistency is essential, otherwise you will always waste energy trying to motivate yourself. You will promise yourself to change, but always leave a loophole. You seem to convince yourself in advance that you will not be able to cope.

But you are stronger than you think. You don't need loopholes, you can do it anyway. Of course, in the process of self-improvement it will be difficult for you, it will seem that you are killing part of yourself. It is: you kill the old parts so that the new ones can grow and flourish.

2. Change one part of life to change all the rest

A person cannot do right in one area of life while he is deluded in others.

Mahatma Gandhi

Positive changes in one sphere of life, even very small ones, give a powerful impetus. The main thing is to use the received motivation to change other areas of life day after day. For example, ask yourself every day: "Have I improved my physical, emotional, psychological and mental health by at least 1%?"

The better you get, the more you want to improve further. The more you learn, the more you realize that you still have a lot to learn. The realization that today you are better than you were yesterday is inspiring. Just imagine what you can achieve tomorrow!

It's okay if you don't know where to start. The main thing is to start somewhere. Yes, changes don't happen all at once, but they start with one action.

3. Believe You Can Do Anything

You will not achieve more than what you believe you can achieve. So change your beliefs first. Ask yourself:

  • Do I have big enough goals? (And do I have any long-term goals at all?)
  • What happens if I increase them 10 times?
  • Do I believe in my success? Or am I just pretending?

Deep down, most people don't believe that their life can be extraordinary. Their ideal future just doesn't seem like a legitimate goal to strive for. But if you want to change your habits and grow, you need to believe that you can become better. Try to imagine something bigger and better than what you have now, and strive for it.

4. Change your environment

If we ourselves do not shape and control our environment, it will shape and control us.

Marshall Goldsmith coach

We are used to thinking that our desire alone is enough to overcome the habits that have developed over the years. But when your environment remains the same, you shouldn't expect your behavior to change significantly.

Of course, changing your environment isn't easy. It may even seem to you that some aspects cannot be changed - this is natural. Start with what you can change. For example, do not tolerate mediocrity and those who are willing to put up with it.

5. Make slightly better decisions every day

The main problem is that we can't wait to see the results. Little gradual progress doesn't seem like progress to us. Because of this, attempts to change are often thwarted. Seeing no quick results, people give up and fall back on old habits.

But man is incredibly flexible. You can adapt and change almost anything about yourself. The ideal life as you imagine it is possible. To get better and get what you want, just make better decisions day after day than you did yesterday.
