Table of contents:

How not to seem "stupid" to yourself
How not to seem "stupid" to yourself
How not to seem "stupid" to yourself
How not to seem "stupid" to yourself

It so happens that against the background of our colleagues we feel like some kind of stupid, slow, insufficiently competent, generally half-educated. As if we are trying to seem like what we are not. This often happens to people who, by the nature of their occupation, are forced to constantly learn something new, constantly expand their horizons - for example, in the IT sphere. And there comes a moment when it seems to us that we know nothing at all about our work, do not understand the market, clients, new trends, that we are zero in our business.

Here are some helpful tips on how to deal with these crises.

Remember everything you can

Take a sheet of paper or create a document in the editor, if you are more familiar with it. Write down everything you can really do. Write articles or programs, draw, multiply big numbers in your mind, edit texts - list as many skills as possible that you somehow possess. When done, add four extra columns to the right of this list. Label them something like this: "beginner", "intermediate", "advanced", "expert". Check the boxes next to each item of your skills. Now take a close look at your table. This is your real resume: who you are, who you are not, which areas urgently need to improve, and which you are already good at.

Discard the negativity

So you look at your skill list and keep moping. Take a closer look and note: what of this you really need, and what is not important at this stage of life. We are tuning in to the constructive.

Nothing special. Everyone has crises, and you've had them before. You have done it before, you can handle it now. You just need to choose the right strategy. “By focusing on something, we expand and strengthen it. If you concentrate on the positive, then the positive becomes more. If on the negative, then, accordingly, the negative is multiplied (c) Julia Cameron.

Some negative thoughts will come in handy

Not all negative experiences are useless. If you look at your list of skills and sadly understand that in a particular area you really need to "pump" to work, then this is just useful. Striving for progress is constructive. With this, motivation and work on oneself already begins.

Everywhere a little bit, but generally a pro

The author remembers well how, in his student days, he said to his leader: “The IT field is so complex and diverse that I will never be able to cover it. All the time I will understand a little bit there, a little bit here, but in general I won’t understand anything”. He replied, “Well, something like that. Everywhere a little, but in general - a real pro. Take another look at your list of skills. If there are points in which you have already succeeded enough and you are pleased to continue to grow in this direction, then you are on the right track. Choose a niche for yourself, a small set of specific skills and abilities that you will systematically and with pleasure develop - and in the end you will get a good result.

Prepare for change

Well, now you have soberly assessed the situation, have chosen specific topics for work. It's time to get ready for the next step. Remember: a person grows above himself only when he risks changing something in the current state of affairs. If you clearly see the goal, are open to change and are actively working on yourself, then you simply cannot, you have no right to feel like a fool. Be honest with yourself - don't artificially inflate or underestimate your self-esteem. It's hard not to lie to yourself. It's hard in all areas of life, not only at work. But as soon as you realize who you really are, what you really want to do and who you want to become, everything around will be miraculously settled. You will feel free. And you will see that this is not a dead end at all, but simply an alternative way out.
