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100 Ways to Live Your Life in Vain
100 Ways to Live Your Life in Vain

Follow the tips in this article, then you are guaranteed to regret wasted life. Or don't follow. The choice is yours.

100 Ways to Live Your Life in Vain
100 Ways to Live Your Life in Vain

On New Year's Eve, we make a list of New Year's promises, on our birthday we decide that we will definitely spend the next year of our life better than the previous one. After reading a motivating article, we rush into battle, but then … If you still hope that everything will change from Monday, check out these tips on how to waste your life.

1. Indulge in regrets

Spend all your time and energy on things that you can no longer fix. Over and over again, run in your head events from the past that have long been irrelevant. Also, don't forget to regret taking the time to regret. And one more time!

2. Let others lie to you

Even if you perfectly understand that they are lying to you. Swallow lies for something bigger: family, career, whatever. One day everything will definitely change and the need to lie to you will disappear.

3. Maintain unhealthy relationships

Both in personal life and at work. Keep looking for their benefits, even as they suck all the joy and energy out of you. Let this swamp consume you completely.

4. Accumulate dependencies

Let the addiction grow stronger than you. It doesn't matter if you are addicted to alcohol, delicious food, or questionable relationships. Do not even try to resist temptations, it is better to give up right away.

5. Dream, but take no action

Are you dreaming? It is wonderful. Just by no means try to do something to move towards your dream. Don't try too hard. Better sit in a comfortable armchair and wait for divine grace to descend upon you. This is about to happen, rest assured.

6. Sleep more than necessary

live life: sleep
live life: sleep

You’re tired of doing the same thing every day when you get out of bed. Hide from all problems under the blanket, it is warm and cozy there. You look, they themselves will dissolve.

7. Play the role of the culprit

If you did something wrong, you should not analyze your actions and draw conclusions for the future. You will fail again, it’s you. It is you who are to blame for everything, you always spoil everything. And remind yourself of this often.

8. Take on the role of victim

Have you experienced loss? Behave as if you lost everything at once. Let the people around you feel sorry for you, it's so nice. For the sake of this, you can be unhappy.

9. Avoid introspection

Only weaklings delve into themselves. You can't afford that. And if you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, just ignore them. Thinking negatively is not fashionable now. And suddenly you find out something unpleasant about yourself?

10. Work more than you can

And undermine your health, the work is worth such sacrifices. This way you will earn more money for your family, please your boss and will certainly move up the career ladder. Maybe the well-being of not only your company, but the entire planet depends on your hard work! When you are pursuing such an important goal, sleep and rest are not necessary at all. Nothing terrible will happen to you, you will survive.

11. Don't waste time playing games

This is an absolutely useless exercise. Games only take your time and energy and do not give you any measurable results. So what if your inner child withers away, that you miss the opportunity to develop your creativity and simply have fun with friends and family. You don't need all this.

12. Stop learning new things

You already know a lot. This is enough. There is no need to learn something that is not directly useful to you in your work. Besides, knowing everything in the world is unrealistic, right?

13. Gossip

Don't miss this great opportunity to ruin your relationship, lose the trust of others, and compromise your own principles.

fourteen. Set yourself a goal to be famous

And don't forget to behave like real stars do. Attract attention to yourself in every way you can. And devote all your efforts to becoming famous: after all, the life of the stars is like a fairy tale, right?

15. Chase money

Let them be the only factor that motivates you.

16. Don't make friends

Don't even think about getting close to anyone. You are not good enough or too good to be friends with someone. Just stay away from people. It is fashionable to be lonely and unhappy now.

17. Make enemies

And spend all your strength on confronting them. Watch out for those people who do not like you, try not to leave a single attack on you unanswered. The last word should be yours, whatever the cost.

18. Indulge in laziness

Expect someone else to do all the work for you. Avoid any activity that can benefit people (and you too) in any way. Initiative is punishable, remember this.

19. Don't take risks

What's wrong with a comfort zone? You and it are good. Risking, you know … risky. So what if that way you are unlikely to achieve anything. But you will not lose anything. Or not?

20. Be selfish

Rest assured, you are the center of the universe. If you do something, do it for yourself. Let others take care of themselves. You and one are not bad.

21. Play games of chance

Hope for luck. Once you are lucky, your win will solve all problems. And even if you have already lost a lot, do not lose hope!

22. Don't quit your hated job

live life: work
live life: work

They pay well here. And it's scary to go nowhere, right? What if you don't find a better job?

Remember, work is never enjoyable. Whoever says the opposite, simply hangs noodles on your ears. Better to spend more than half of your life in the same unloved place. It's calmer this way.

23. Don't listen to anyone

You already know everything well. Your point of view is the only correct one, but what your relatives, friends, your own intuition tell you is not worth attention. You can do without it.

24. Lie to people

You haven't been caught lying yet, have you? So you can still. Lie more often and with pleasure, and you will deal with the consequences later.

25. Lie to yourself

The truth is too unpleasant. It is better to live with fantasies and do not upset yourself again. Your inner voice is not the best advisor, let it be quiet.

26. Don't ask for help

Remember: if you want to do something well, do it yourself. Don't trust anyone with your problems, even if you can't handle them. Even if they will be happy to help you. What if they ask for something in return?

27. Do not exercise

You have no time. It doesn't matter that over time you pick up a bunch of diseases. What do you need pills for? And it is not necessary to be in good shape: let them love you the way you are.

28. Eat junk food

Nothing is worth giving up on such a treat.

29. Don't spend time in nature

You don't need to recharge your energy away from big cities. Pick up more ticks. And pictures with beautiful views can be found on the Internet.

30. Don't clean up your house

The mess hasn't killed anyone yet. It’s only when you invite a nice young man or girl home that your chances of staying in touch will drop dramatically. And laziness and procrastination will be much harder for you to fight. But you'll get over it somehow.

31. Procrastinate

Postpone any business until the last. It will definitely help you ruin your relationships, career, and self-esteem. But it's not that important, right?

32. Spend more than you can afford

You are not worse than others! Everyone must see it. At least immediately after the salary is paid. And you will get out of debt sometime later.

33. Limit your social activities

It is not at all necessary to communicate with people and exchange opinions with them. Limit yourself to dialogue with yourself and a narrow group of like-minded people. Suddenly meet new people and learn something new! So close to change in life.

34. Concentrate solely on building your career

Everything else will wait. As a last resort, take care of everything else in retirement.

35. Treat people like things

Especially if you follow the previous point. Use people and then quit. You don't need extra connections.

36. Choose the wrong people as your friends

Let them make you behave differently than you would like. It doesn't matter that they feed all of your worst traits. You are degrading, but you are not alone!

37. Don't take criticism

Criticize only those who do not know how to do anything themselves. Don't waste time on negative reviews, you are doing everything perfectly.

38. Buy relationships

The calculation simplifies everything, and you don't need an emotional connection. Sincere relationships do not bring much joy.

39. Strictly follow the rules

Always follow what you have been taught. Don't turn on critical thinking and become the perfect object of manipulation.

40. Don't try to control spending

Live for today. You may not live to be old, why do you need savings then?

41. Promise More Than You Can Do

It's a shame to admit that something is simply beyond your power. Maybe you get lucky and show productivity wonders.

42. Don't keep promises

live life: promises
live life: promises

And let everyone think that you cannot be relied on. The main thing is to promise, and then see what to do.

43. Do More Than Necessary

Fix what is already good. Take on more responsibilities. Maybe one day you will get a promotion. Unless you will be too exhausted to enjoy it.

44. Run away

Quit what you do best. Leave your friends when they need you. Ditch your loved one because you get bored. Instead of staying and doing what you have to do, run away and pretend nothing happened. Run until there is nowhere to run.

45. Always say yes

Obey, even if you disagree. Never try to express the opposite opinion. Suddenly you will upset someone or get angry with you. Agree and endure, do not break.

46. Always say no

Do not agree with anyone, with anything and no matter what. This is the best way to build kilometer-long walls around you.

47. Try to control everything

Your happiness. The happiness of other people. Colleagues and subordinates. Your emotions. The weather. Let there be no accidents in your life, even pleasant ones. And if something gets out of your control, blame yourself and berate yourself for whatever it is. You should have foreseen everything.

48. Wear another person's mask

Choose a role model for yourself and emulate it until you no longer understand who you really are.

49. Devalue Everything in Your Life

It will be easier if you lose something. However, it will not be very joyful to have it.

50. Insult and humiliate

If possible, justify yourself that all this is for a higher purpose. Or do it just because you can. Just don't be surprised if they do the same to you.

51. Let yourself be hurt and humiliated

Be a toy in someone's hands. Because you don't deserve the best. Or because you think that you simply cannot make a difference. Be patient, maybe someday everything will change.

52. Try to please everyone

And lose all the traits that make you yourself.

53. Feed the trolls

Give these vampires a drink of your blood.

54. Don't look people in the eye

And miss this great opportunity to build trust.

55. Don't believe the signs

Ignore the signals that life gives you and your own intuition sends you. This is all nonsense.

56. Don't travel

Under no circumstances should you travel outside your city, country, or continent where you live. Getting to know new cultures, new people, discovering the unknown is not so interesting.

57. Don't read books

Books are evil. They will broaden your horizons, make you more curious and creative. Do you need it? Don't even touch them.

58. Live on assumptions

If something seems to you, do not test it in practice. Consider that it is. Don't even try to get to the bottom of the truth, what if you don't like it?

59. Feel free

Show people who you really are is too scary. You never know how they react. Skip opportunities to pursue a dream job or build a wonderful relationship, this is not for you.

60. Live on autopilot

Don't try to get out of the routine. Then you will miss her.

61. Avoid mistakes

Go only on the beaten track. Don't start a business if you think something might go wrong. Better not to start anything at all.

62. Don't think about yourself

Ignore your needs and try to satisfy others, only to get some kind of recognition or gratitude. Someday, of course, you will be appreciated.

63. Hate People

Because they have a different skin color, a different religion, or simply because they live better than you. Feel strong negative emotions towards people and thus attach yourself to them. Let your hate work against you.

64. Be a perfectionist

Don't try to be better, try to be perfect. And even if there is no ideal in life, you can still spend all your strength in pursuit of it.

65. Punish Yourself

live life: punish yourself
live life: punish yourself

As soon as something starts to work out for you, do not dare to praise yourself. Give up what makes you happy, you don't deserve it.

66. Spend your energy on insignificant

Have you accumulated enough energy to do something worthwhile? Now is not the time for big things. Put things in order in the mail, rake papers, quarrel with a colleague. Now the energy isn't weighing on you that much, is it?

67. Forget Gratitude

Never say phrases like "Thank you" or "I'm glad we managed to do this." Gratitude attracts more good things into your life, but we found out a few points ago that you don't need it.

68. Think negatively about yourself

Consider yourself flawed and you will be. Sometimes it is even beneficial.

69. Pretend

Pretend you've changed, but don't really change.

70. Do not try to manage your time correctly

And hopelessly waste the only irreplaceable resource you have.

71. Solve the Wrong Problems to be Solved

Try to save more, rather than look for ways to earn more. Rejoice at how much garbage has been removed from the apartment, instead of not piling up this garbage. Read more motivational articles, but don't even try to act.

72. Condemn

live life: condemnation
live life: condemnation

Criticize everything, focus on the negative, and don't even think about trying a reverse strategy. Who will point people to their shortcomings? And accept that people hate you. The path to truth is the path of a loner.

73. Complain

At every opportunity. Let them feel sorry for you. And correcting a situation that does not suit you is not at all necessary.

74. Settle on little

If you want a lot, you will get little. Only about what you get, if you want little, history is also silent.

75. Take it personally

You are the center of the universe, everything is correct. Everyone wants to hurt you, watching your every step and evaluating your every action. Everything that is not done is done to spite you. It happened so historically.

76. Don't laugh

Otherwise, you will not be taken seriously. Do not smile, much less laugh: this will make you appear vulnerable.

77. Envy

Compare yourself to other people and draw conclusions that are not in your favor. The neighbor is getting better, isn't it? Surely he doesn't have any problems. Life is unfair: to someone everything, to someone nothing.

78. Don't put your soul into anything

Only logic, only cold calculation. That way you cannot be hurt. Only you will not experience much joy, but it will be worth it.

79. Be led

Never take the initiative yourself, do not do anything without the permission of other people. Always look for someone to throw responsibility on. And then no matter what happened.

80. Give in to emotions instead of acting

This will definitely solve the problem.

81. Don't live in the moment

Dale Carnegie did not understand anything. That's more interesting.

82. Don't Stand Out

Speak not too loudly, but not too softly. Don't be lazy, but don't be too zealous either. Try to merge with the gray mass, it's safer this way.

83. Be vindictive

Wait for the right moment to pay off. Spend all your strength and ingenuity planning an enchanting revenge.

84. Build up grudges

Even if you can't get revenge, don't let go of the situation. Savor negative emotions and wait for the offender to notice that he was wrong, and will be on his knees to ask for your forgiveness.

85. Don't create anything of value

Don't invent anything fundamentally new. Everything has already been done before you. And hardly any breakthrough is expected from you.

86. Avoid Confrontation

Never try to challenge criticism or defend your position. Avoid communicating with opponents and lose the opportunity to get very valuable feedback.

87. If you are going through hell, stop in the middle of the road

And be stuck there forever.

88. Do not wipe your glasses

Looking at life through fogged-up glasses is not so bad. Sometimes you don't want to see the details.

89. Look for freebies

Yes, we don't get anything really worthwhile for free. People really value much more what they get after putting in some effort. But free cheese is so tempting, isn't it?

90. Try to be better than others

And you will be like a dog running after a mechanical hare. Just who will you run after when the race is over? However, you shouldn't think about it.

91. Swallow any information indiscriminately

Follow any news, what if you miss something? You need to keep your finger on the pulse. Skip the emergence of a couple of memes and find yourself out of the information life.

92. Speak more than necessary

live life: talking
live life: talking

And consider yourself a wonderful conversationalist. Do not pay attention to the fact that when you appear, the companies begin to dissolve.

93. Be Late

To work, to meetings with colleagues and friends. Show up later than necessary, and lose sight of what is generally going on around you.

94. Dive into decay

Sometimes life is a bitch. Let it destroy your motivation in the bud and go with the flow until you are hopelessly bogged down in discouragement.

95. Don't be happy about anything

It's stupid to be happy. All good things in our life are temporary. So why waste on these useless emotions?

96. Let the pain take over you completely

At some point in your life, you get hurt very badly. It happens to everyone. When you feel that your turn has come, immerse yourself in suffering, start to find in them some kind of bitter joy. But in any case, do not try to get out and return to life.

97. Be jealous

Be sure: there is no love without jealousy. Do not forget that there is always someone better than you. Control every step of your loved one and panic every time a pretty member of the opposite sex passes by him or her. Be diligent in your spying, until you achieve the fact that you are really gone. Someone less jealous.

98. Make happiness the meaning of your life

And constantly force yourself to be happy. Well, how is it?

99. Give in to Panic

Think of any deviation from your usual order of things as a personal apocalypse. It's not in vain that you are already on a sedative, right? It will help you survive a couple more apocalypses.

100. Don't love

live life: love
live life: love

Let your heart turn to stone, no matter how pompous it sounds. Don't let love throw you off balance. And live a life devoid of sentiments and … any meaning.

Follow bad advice, they are written for that. Do not shirk!
