What are 20-year-olds worth wasting their time on
What are 20-year-olds worth wasting their time on

We do not just call time the most valuable resource of every person. How and on what we spend it depends on what our life will be like in the future. Quora users answered the question of what is worth spending time at 20 years old. The age when time needs to be used as wisely as possible. We have selected the most interesting answers and share them with you.

What are 20-year-olds worth wasting their time on
What are 20-year-olds worth wasting their time on

When you are 20 years old or so, you are not bound by obligations. At this time, you have just finished your studies, you have the opportunity to gain experience and spend your time so that it is not only useful, but also remembered for a lifetime. We share with you tips on how to.

  1. Travel. Take time to travel if you can. Explore new places, meet people, learn about their lifestyle and culture.
  2. Spend 30-60 minutes daily exercising. You don't have to buy a gym or pool membership. It will be enough to at least work out at home or go for a run. Start monitoring your body and health as early as possible.
  3. Learn something new every year. Set a goal for yourself to master a new skill in a year. It can be playing the guitar, surfing, writing poetry, or something else. You should get better every year.
  4. Volunteer. Helping those less fortunate than you can give you a different perspective on life, and perhaps it will change you once and for all. Society is used to looking only forward, but when you look back, you will see people who also need help.
  5. Become independent. If you work for a corporation or a large company, start minimizing its impact on your life. Take steps towards entrepreneurship: create an app, write a book, or start a small side business. Awaken your inner businessman. Even if you fail, you will learn a lot.
  6. Learn to invest. This is a skill that will help you not worry about money at any stage of your life.
  7. Spend time with your family. These are the people who will be with you, no matter what ass you are in. Don't take them out of your life.
  8. Make new friends. Such friends who will support you, believe in what you are doing, and will be there when you need it. If you see your friends pulling you down, they are not the people you want to be around.
  9. Become an expert in one area. It's time to find what you like and find out everything you can about this business. Develop your skills in this area and become an expert. The world needs experts in all areas.
  10. Write. The only way to turn your thoughts into reality is to write them down. Write down all your ideas, your life philosophy, and keep a journal. The more you write, the better you will be at it. The better you write, the better you will think.

Your turn. Based on your experience, can you give advice to 20-year-olds?
