Trick questions do not reveal a candidate's potential. But they say a lot about the employer
Trick questions do not reveal a candidate's potential. But they say a lot about the employer

As recent research has shown, the motives of these interviewers are not very noble.

Trick questions do not reveal a candidate's potential. But they say a lot about the employer
Trick questions do not reveal a candidate's potential. But they say a lot about the employer

The interview itself is a lot of stress for the job seeker. Despite this, employers of some large corporations are trying to finish off a person with puzzle questions "How many windows are in the city?" or "Why are the hatches round?" … This behavior is not only terribly annoying, but also does not help Why Brainteasers Don’t Belong in Job Interviews learn anything about the candidate. Why do such questions continue to be asked? A recent study by Dark Motives and Elective Use of Brainteaser Interview Questions says it's because of the personal qualities of employers.

736 volunteers - specialists in various fields - took part in the study of the issue. Each received a list of questions (traditional and tricky), from which he had to choose those that he would ask a potential employee at an interview.

The results showed that tricky questions were preferred by the subjects, whose level of social competence was lower, and the tendency to narcissism and sadism - higher than that of other study participants.

It turns out that such employers feel a sense of superiority if the applicant for the position cannot answer the question asked, and they enjoy it. Even when the answer would not have given them any valuable information.

These questions do not help to make any predictions. They only make the interviewer feel smarter.

Laszlo Bock Former VP of Human Resources at Google

So if you ask a potential employee how many golf balls will fit on an airplane, you will only know one thing: you are not a very good person.
