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They say you need to sleep on silk bedding. This is true?
They say you need to sleep on silk bedding. This is true?

The experts are in favor, but the evidence is insufficient.

They say you need to sleep on silk bedding. This is true?
They say you need to sleep on silk bedding. This is true?

A couple of years ago, model, singer and designer Victoria Beckham said that one of the secrets to her beautiful skin and smooth hair is the silk pillowcases she sleeps on every night. Another model, Cindy Crawford, said the same thing.

After celebrities raised this topic, silk bedding became very popular: dozens of English-speaking and several Russian-language sites attribute Do Silk Pillowcases Really Benefit Your Skin and Hair? / Goodhousekeeping him miraculous properties. It is believed to help fight acne, wrinkles, unruly hair, and even restless sleep. Is it so?

Is it true that silk helps prevent wrinkles?

This opinion is often expressed by dermatologists and cosmetologists. There is a logic in these words: when we wiggle our face on the pillow, the skin crumples, folds remain on it. These, in turn, can develop into deep wrinkles.

We usually sleep on cotton, but silk is smoother. When in contact with it, there is less friction and the skin simply slides, and does not gather like an accordion. This means that there should be fewer folds and creases.

But cosmetologists admit that this is only a theory. In a dream, we do acquire specific wrinkles. But whether silk pillowcases save from this, no one checked.

Is it true that silk keeps the skin hydrated?

Cotton, from which bedding is usually made, is one of the best absorbents. It absorbs moisture perfectly, and sleeping on such underwear is like constantly drying yourself with a towel. The natural lipid barrier is disrupted, moisture is absorbed into the tissue, the skin dries and becomes irritated. This is especially true for those who already have it dry and sensitive. And silk absorbs worse and, therefore, helps the skin to stay hydrated. These are the arguments made by cosmetologists.

Here, too, everything seems to be correct: silk is really not as good absorbent as cotton. But this is just a property of the fabric, and in the study everyone cites, the effect of this material on the skin was not considered.

Moreover, it does not even indicate what kind of liquid was used for the experiment. That is, there is simply no reliable data on how silk absorbs sweat or sebum.

Is it true that silk heals acne

Here, dermatologists and journalists usually rely on It's Time to Add Silk or Copper Pillowcases to Your Sleep Routine / Healthline on a small experiment Efficacy of Silk - Like Bedding Fabric Pillow Case in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris / Clinical Trials, conducted in the USA in 2017. In it, one group of acne patients slept for 12 weeks on silk pillowcases and another on cotton pillowcases. As a result, in the first subjects, the symptoms of the disease became less pronounced: the number of rashes decreased, the intensity of itching and redness decreased.

But if you read it carefully, it becomes clear that the work is not talking about silk, but about silky synthetic fabric made of nylon and polyester with an antibacterial effect. And the research itself was ordered by the manufacturing company.

Another argument in favor of silk is this: it is smooth, therefore it is more comfortable for inflamed skin to come into contact with it than with cotton.

This is partly true. For example, after a burn, it is more pleasant to lie on something cool and slippery so that there is less friction and the skin does not irritate. But how much this effect will help in treating acne is unclear.

Is it true that silk makes hair more manageable

Some people believe that the structure of the tissue can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.


Simone Thomas Hair Loss Specialist, quoted from

In a dream, we move endlessly, and the hair suffers from this. The smooth texture of silk does not hit them as hard as regular pillowcases. In addition, unlike cotton, it does not “steal” moisture from hair and skin.

It is believed that this results in less splitting, tangling and breaking of hair. And in general they look healthier, and they are easier to stack. But you can check whether this is so only on your own experience. Given that the texture of hair and its condition varies among people, some may notice the positive effect of a silk pillowcase, and some will not.

And there are hardly any scientists who will compare the tangled hair after sleeping on different types of pillowcases.

Is it true that silk helps to improve sleep

Supporters of silk sheets reflect: it is more comfortable to sleep on such underwear, it glides pleasantly when moving, and a person wakes up less often. This is the first thing.

And secondly, natural silk works as a good thermostat. It absorbs moisture worse, allowing it to evaporate, and protects us from overheating, and with it from frequent awakenings.

Sleeping on sweat-damp sheets is really unpleasant and will almost certainly be more hectic. Only, again, it is not clear how much silk can correct the situation.


Moira Jung Medical Psychologist, quoted from The Sydney Morning Herald.

The fabric of the bedding is unlikely to have a big impact on sleep quality. Other factors are much more important: nutrition, stress level, the presence or absence of excess weight, obstructive sleep apnea and other health problems.

If you overheat in a dream, first of all, it is better to pay attention not to the composition of the fabric of the sheets and pillowcases, but to the temperature in the room, to which blanket you sleep under and how well the bedroom is ventilated.

Is it worth buying silk underwear

It is worth it if you have the financial ability: natural silk is a really pleasant and beautiful material. It is possible that this is the feeling - wow, what a luxurious linen I have! - will help you go to bed with more pleasure and sleep a little better.

But it is probably not worth waiting for silk sheets to miraculously relieve wrinkles and acne, help improve sleep and make hair smoother. The consultation of a competent doctor and good cosmetics will cope better with this.
