Is it possible to live by devoting 3 hours a day to sleep?
Is it possible to live by devoting 3 hours a day to sleep?

It seemed to me that the three-hour sleep is a myth that exists only in order to once again glorify people like Donald Trump or Leonardo da Vinci. After researching the topic, I realized that there are many people who can sleep several hours a day and feel good. Here's how they do it.

Is it possible to live by devoting 3 hours a day to sleep?
Is it possible to live by devoting 3 hours a day to sleep?

Donald Trump more than once that he sleeps 3 to 4 hours a day. I wondered what it was: another unsubstantiated statement from a shocker or Trump has a secret that allows him to sleep less than 99% of the people on the planet.

It is not difficult to find reviews of people who sleep half as much as usual. On Reddit, for example, there is a whole in which users share their successes. And so far, no one has been able to offer anything better than polyphasic sleep.

Superman mode

Even if you feel comfortable changing your routine and resting 3-4 hours instead of the 7-8 hours you should, this will change over time. The accumulated fatigue will make itself felt, and you will begin to experience depression, chronic weakness and loss of motivation to work.

However, people who practice polyphasic sleep manage to sleep for 4 hours (sometimes less) and not face these problems.

Polyphasic sleep is a sleep pattern in which the time allotted for sleep is divided into several periods during the day.

We wrote about polyphasic sleep here. Evgeny Dubovoy, an adherent of the theory of polyphasic sleep, sleeps 4.5 hours a day for two years. According to him, he feels comfortable, and the period of adaptation to the new regime took about three weeks.

However, there are other opinions about polyphasic sleep. For example, Akshat Rati, a reporter for Quartz, a technician when he defended his doctorate in chemistry at Oxford. He was able to maintain a similar regimen (3.5 hours of sleep at night and three intervals of 20 minutes during the day) for exactly one year. Rati defended his dissertation and was doing well. However, after a trip to a conference where he could not sleep during the day, he was unable to return to his unusual schedule. Sticking to polyphasic sleep for a long time takes a lot of motivation, Rati said.

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According to various sources, the polyphasic sleep technique was used by Leonardo da Vinci, Nikola Tesla. Our contemporaries include Donald Trump, Marissa Mayer and Jack Dorsey. All the inhabitants of the tribe also sleep five times a day, who even consider prolonged sleep harmful and can fall asleep in a minute in any position.

However, Elon Musk, for example, devotes the standard 6, 5 hours to sleep, does not sleep during the day and goes to bed only in the evening. Despite this, he manages to manage several billion dollar companies. This makes you think that it's not so much about the amount of sleep as about the ability to manage your own time. After all, Albert Einstein could do 12 hours.

Some time ago I decided to do a similar one and began to wake up much earlier than usual. At first, the schedule was floating. I have established a rule: go to bed whenever you want, but wake up every morning at 7 o'clock. The body adapted, and I began to feel sleepy around midnight. Thus, I slept for 7 hours and that was enough until the motivation disappeared. At first, it was that it was interesting for me to conduct a similar experiment and write an article. When I did this, the motivation disappeared, which helped me come to this rule:

You can sleep 7, 6, 4 hours and only feel comfortable if you have a wild motivation to wake up every morning.

If you know that this hour, which you did not get enough sleep, can be spent with benefit, the body will be able to adapt. If this is an awakening for the sake of awakening, I have bad news: you will last a maximum of a couple of months.

Sleep phases are important

For those who do not want to rush into a whirlpool headlong and drastically change their regime, I advise you to study the topic of sleep phases. After that, try one of dozens of apps that track REM and slow sleep. The most popular is Sleep Cycle. I was wondering how it worked, and after using it for a few weeks, I realized that it really makes waking up easier. Another similar application called Power Nap works in the same way, but not with a night's sleep, but with small "breaks" during the day.

If you do not have enough time, then it is logical to pinch it off from the activity to which you devote a third of every day. But don't overdo it. Start small and, if all goes well, move on to more advanced techniques. Who knows, maybe you too will become one of those who sleep 3 hours a day. And you can brag about it like Donald Trump.
