VIDEO: How to learn how to effectively jump into the pool
VIDEO: How to learn how to effectively jump into the pool

The ability to correctly and effectively jump into the pool from the side will help you pick up speed from the start and avoid an unpleasant hit on the water. Master the technique and become the star of the pool!

VIDEO: How to learn how to effectively jump into the pool
VIDEO: How to learn how to effectively jump into the pool

So, when jumping into the water, there are two key stages: overcoming fear and calm, collected start.

Overcome your fear. Often the fear of jumping into the water head first catches the swimmer at the moment of the jump. Then an awkward splash turns out instead of a beautiful entrance into the water. Train to trust the water element at a shallow depth: being in the water, fall forward and backward, allowing the water to "catch" yourself. Relax and make sure that the water does not threaten your life, you can swim to the surface whenever you want.

Take your time at the start. No need to fly into the pool. Before diving into the water from a side or pedestal, take the correct position and proceed according to plan:

  1. Learn to dive into the water from a seated position on the board.
  2. Learn to jump from a one-knee position (left if you are right-handed).
  3. Jump into the water from a standing position.

There will be one technique for any of these jumps:

  • take a starting position;
  • stretch your arms up and join your palms;
  • pull in your stomach and press your chin;
  • bending over, direct your hands into the water and, slightly pushing off with your right foot, dive.

Be sure to watch the video for details.

After mastering these basic skills, it will not be difficult for you to jump from both the nightstand and the springboard, and maybe you even dare to jump from the tower. The main thing is to start.
