Apple leaks app with Android screenshots in the App Store
Apple leaks app with Android screenshots in the App Store
Apple leaks app with Android screenshots in the App Store
Apple leaks app with Android screenshots in the App Store

Not every user knows that now Apple does not skip applications in the App Store if they contain a green robot symbol or there is even the slightest mention of Android. But today the Quellenhof deluxe app has come to the attention of iOS developers …

Judging by the description of the application, it is dedicated to a hotel located in a cozy place in the south of Italy. But now we will not talk about the hotel, its beauty, or the benefits of this application.

Screenshot 2015-05-27 at 18.41.58
Screenshot 2015-05-27 at 18.41.58

If we go to the Quellenhof deluxe app page in iTunes, we will see screenshots of the Android device, not the iPhone and iPad. How this could have happened is hard to imagine. Apps are often rejected for little things that go against Apple's code of practice. And such incidents just look like someone's cruel joke.

We asked some developers how they feel about Apple not missing Android-related apps.


Victor Kozlov, co-owner and member of the Board of Directors of CleverPumpkin

I take this with understanding. Of course, I cannot say that I absolutely know the reasons why Apple does this, but I am sure that it has a lot of these reasons. If we talk about a personal attitude, then if I were Apple, I would be more selective, that is, I would not reject any mention of the word Android, but would understand the context in which it is used.


Dmitry Burakov, founder of ViProject Ltd, London

The mention of Android in iOS apps is essentially an advertisement. Although this is most often an advertisement for the developer's version of the app, it is also an indirect advertisement for Android. I think Apple has the right to prohibit such competitor advertising on its platform. It would be weird to see Pepsi advertisements on Coca-Cola cans. For myself, as a developer, I do not see any disadvantage or inconvenience. If the user of the iOS application uses Android devices and he likes the application itself, he will definitely find the version of the application on Android without additional advertising. Nobody forbids mentioning Android on the Internet, for example, on the developer's website.


Anton Vdovichenko, CEO of VoltMobi

Over the past years, Android has become an increasingly serious competitor to Apple's mobile products. Against this background, it seems quite natural for Apple to refuse to publish information about Android on its platform. In Cupertino, they gradually got rid of the traces of Google's intellectual property distributed from iOS (Google Maps, YouTube), now it comes to mentioning Android. An update of one of our applications ("Yakitoria") was not missed in the App Store due to the mention of the Android version in the news that users saw in the feed. We have created special filters that allowed us to publish news selectively, depending on the platform. This fixed the problem.


Victor Sharov, developer of the application "My Water"

Sometimes Apple's guidelines are too strict and some apps get unfairly rejected, as happened recently with Breaking. It's one thing to put on the screenshot the caption: "Available on Google Play", and another - just a word in the title of the article. Sometimes moderators are too picky about applications, without delving into the situation (it is written Android - it means bad).
