7 essential skills every modern adult needs to remember
7 essential skills every modern adult needs to remember

The absence of the need to do anything on their own, which so attracted previous generations with radiant prospects, in fact turns into a dependence on the correct operation of ingenious mechanisms and algorithms, as well as on people who know how to ensure this correct work. No, I am not at all calling for abandoning washing machines and smartphones, of course not. But there is a whole list of skills and abilities that any adult modern person should have, regardless of education, status and environment.

7 essential skills every modern adult needs to remember
7 essential skills every modern adult needs to remember

The skill to fix things

Many modern devices are indeed extremely complex, so it would be the height of arrogance to go into their insides with a hammer and pliers. But this does not apply to all situations. Very often the problem turns out to be so simple, and its solution lies so close to the surface that only our inner conviction that “I am not able to do this” prevents us from seeing and solving it. Many people do not even have an approximate idea of the devices and principles of work of the things around them and, most importantly, do not even strive to learn them.

Skill to use your memory

Judging by the speed with which note-books, note-books, telephone books, calendars and planners proliferate, the memory of the person of the future will gradually wither away as unnecessary. Already now it is rare to find a friend who knows at least a few significant phone numbers by heart. And we are being replaced by a generation that is unable to learn a simple poem and remember the dates of the most important historical events. And really, why do they need it when there is Google?

The skill to cook at home

I firmly believe that the harm to humanity from cheap fast food and the presence of microwaves in our kitchens can be commensurate with the damage from the last few wars. Yes, it is very convenient and fast, but then there is no need to complain about obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers and a whole bunch of concomitant diseases. The ability to cook on your own is not a matter of taste or economy; it is a matter of survival.

Ability to give up unnecessary things

The ability to give up unnecessary purchases, from a crazy and thoughtless pursuit of new models and brands is not so much a sign of a lack of financial resources, but a sign of mental maturity. Tell all those who change the model of their smartphone and car every time, was it really necessary? And maybe it was better to spend these funds on more pleasant and useful things? For example, to attend a foreign language course or travel.

The less money we spend on junk, the more we can then spend on the people around us and get new impressions.

The skill to expand your horizons

"I'm a programmer, I don't need this." "I am an athlete, this is superfluous for me." "I am a musician, I am only interested in music."

Have you heard similar statements? Yes, our century is the age of narrow specialists. But you can't artificially limit the scope of your interests only to what is necessary for professional growth. In the end, work is only a part of life, and besides, it is not the biggest one. Try to always strive to learn as much of everything new as possible, even when it does not seem very useful to you at the moment. You never know what will come in handy tomorrow.

Survival skill

We live in such a calm time that the ability to independently light a fire, navigate the stars and find water may seem like a monstrous anachronism. However, these and other survival skills may well come in handy one day. And it is not at all necessary somewhere in a camping trip or travel. Non-standard situations happen to people quite often, and sometimes completely unpredictable. You can get lost on a walk, your car can stall on a winter night road, and no one is immune from natural disasters. It is always better to be prepared in advance for emergency situations than to helplessly throw up your hands later.

Skill to cope with long tasks

The frantic pace of modern life dictates its own rules to us. We try to react quickly, make decisions quickly and want to see immediate results of our work. However, there are often problems in life that can take months or even years of persistent effort to solve. The ability to work "for a long time", patiently wait for the germination of the sprouts of their business today is inherent in not all people. No, there is nothing wrong with a quick reaction and focus on results here and now, but sometimes it is patience and perseverance that is the main condition for achieving success in life.

What important qualities and skills would you add to this list? What does a modern person need to know and be able to do so as not to be branded as slobber and clumsy?
