How to quickly and easily complete the job search quest
How to quickly and easily complete the job search quest

Advice to those who are looking for a job. You will learn what pitfalls you can run into, how to automate your searches, and how to tell good from bad work.

How to quickly and easily complete the job search quest
How to quickly and easily complete the job search quest

The unemployment rate in Russia in 2014, according to Rosstat, was about 5.5%. This means that more than 4 million of the economically active population of the country are not employed, but are actively looking for work (they are registered with the employment service). It. In practice, the number of unemployed is even higher.

But there is always more work than people capable of doing it with dignity. In this context, job search can be called a quest.

Quest is an adventure game in which solving puzzles plays a key role. The hero must go through the planned plot, defeat the antagonists and complete the mission. The player is required mental efforts and competent management of resources (objects of the game world).

In the quest called "My Dream Job" the player is you. The mission is to get a position that matches your economic and professional ambitions. Antagonists are HR managers and HR departments. The main resource is time. We will give some tips on how to complete this quest quickly and easily.

Quest traps are common. They also exist in the labor market.

A well-known headhunter, head of the PRUFFI recruiting agency, Alena Vladimirskaya, believes that one should be careful about the pre-New Year's outbreak of vacancies. This period has passed, but for the future it is useful to know that:

  1. At the end of the year, companies defend budgets and development strategies for the next 365 days; there is a feeling that the business is extremely short of some specialists for development.
  2. After the New Year holidays, the market conditions change, the mood of the management changes, priorities are revised and it turns out that there is no urgent need.

The probability that the top vacancy opened on the eve of the New Year will remain after the holidays is 50%. All interviews that you have during the "corporate week" will be forgotten after the New Year, and the marathon of meetings with HR will go on the second round.

What should job seekers do?

There are a number of unspoken rules in the world of game quests. One of them: I saw an object - take it (what if it comes in handy?); met a new character - talk to him (what if he says something important?). Looking for a job is the same: do not miss a single vacancy (what if one of them is your future job?), Build up business ties (what if it will help in finding a job?).

To get these competitive advantages will help:

  1. Active networking. Including through other platforms for searching and establishing business contacts.
  2. Vacancy monitoring automation.

How not to miss vacancies?

In quests, all actions are logically determined. You need to carefully read the messages and think, and not poke at random on the available menu items. Sending a resume for all vacancies with an acceptable salary is irrational. This is fraught with running around in interviews with zero results. After the interview, you can realize that the game is not worth the candle.

How do you tell a good job from a mediocre one?

  1. Rate how interesting the job will be for you. The “I hate it, but they pay well” approach is destructive. You will not only be under constant stress, but you will also stop developing as a professional.
  2. Analyze if the company has room to make independent decisions. If the initiative is punishable and all actions of employees are under strict supervision, then you are unlikely to be able to enjoy such work.
  3. Choose a position where you will face quite complex tasks. Overcoming difficulties is the key to personal and professional growth. The place where you click on errands like nuts will very soon become "cramped" for you.
  4. Make sure that in your work activity there is a direct connection between the effort expended and the result obtained. It's not just about money. If an employee made a great deal, and the management has zero emotions (it is not customary in the company to morally encourage employees), then it is worth considering whether to spend time on this organization?
  5. Look for jobs that you can be proud of yourself and that will make your children proud of you.

There is no greater achievement than making the line between work and play indistinguishable. Arnold Toynbee

How did you go through the job search quest? Share your experience in the comments.
