7 interesting facts about experience gifts
7 interesting facts about experience gifts

The topic of gifts before the New Year is simply inexhaustible. Because each of us has a person who wants to make not a simple gift, but something more abrupt. Today we will tell you how to organize a surprise for those who no longer believe in Santa Claus and put impressions under the tree.

7 interesting facts about experiencets
7 interesting facts about experiencets

Experience gifts are certificates for a service, beautifully designed and hassle-free. The list of proposals is provided by the agency for the sale of unusual gifts, it also takes on all the hassle of organizing.

If you can't decide what to give to your loved ones and loved ones, then switch your attention from things to impressions. And that's why it's worth doing.

Experience gifts are popular, but not mainstream yet

The present in the form of a beautiful certificate for an unusual vacation is a popular trend. And if earlier you had to tinker with such an unusual gift on your own, now everything is organized by specialized stores such as Furpur.

And at the same time, the gift-impression is original. The only reason everyone doesn’t give impressions as a gift is the habit of giving something “more substantial”, ingrained in the head. But think for yourself, which is more interesting: a bird's-eye view of the city in the glow of New Year's lights from a helicopter cabin or another "gentleman's set" of gifts on duty?

Gifts for the New Year: an unforgettable flight
Gifts for the New Year: an unforgettable flight

Impressions are practical

Some gifts-impressions, if you carefully study their assortment, not only leave a memory of themselves and nice packaging, but also bring quite tangible material benefits.

For example, a photo session, after which professional shots remain. Or a certificate for tailoring a suit in an atelier. The result, as you might guess, is an individual costume.

Many experiences are also educational in nature, such as excursions and walks. And for some it is a reason to find out what the hybrid of an airplane and a helicopter is called (and it is called a "gyrocopter" or "gyrocopter").

Gifts for the New Year: flying on a gyroplane
Gifts for the New Year: flying on a gyroplane

Impressive gifts save your budget from New Year's Eve rush

When all the stores are covered with discount advertisements, it's hard to stop and not buy too much. Or buy a gift that seemed so cool in the window, but after a careful study of the house brought only disappointment.

In this sense, the choice of impressions is more convenient. You have a budget to start from (and you can choose an event as a gift for any wallet), a list of gifts and time to think. You can make an original surprise without leaving your home.

Gifts for the New Year: impressions
Gifts for the New Year: impressions

Experiences over time are valued more than things

Dr. Thomas Gilovich, a researcher at Cornell University in the United States, is studying the effect of money on happiness. And he found out that over time, the value of the purchased item decreases in our eyes, while the value of the experience and impressions gained, on the contrary, increases. That is, every time we remember pleasant impressions, we like them more and more.

And a romantic weekend at a reindeer farm will bring a smile even many years later.

Gifts for the New Year: romantic weekend
Gifts for the New Year: romantic weekend

Experience gifts are very personal

If you know the character and aspirations of the person being gifted, then you can imagine what he will like more: a quest in reality, dinner in a restaurant or driving a racing car.

When choosing a gift, there is almost always a risk of not getting into expectations. And if you are not sure that a person will like extreme or, conversely, a quiet vacation, then present a certificate that includes the right to choose a service. Let the addressee decide for himself what is more interesting to him: a master class in pottery, a visit to the spa, or a hot air balloon ride.

Gifts for the New Year: Hot Air Balloon Flight
Gifts for the New Year: Hot Air Balloon Flight

Moreover, such a gift adjusts to the schedule and capabilities of the lucky owner. The certificate is valid for several months, so you can catch adventures by the tail at a convenient time.

Impression gifts help make a dream come true

Have you heard that everyone has a dream that can be fulfilled by the end of the week, but some make it a lifelong dream? Sometimes a person just needs to be nudged to finally do what they want.

What could it be? For example, recording a song in a studio. It happens that a person has no talent. And at the same time modesty. It's just that fear prevents you from starting. So help to remove the barriers and take a step towards the dream. Who knows, maybe your gift will change your life for the better.

Gifts for the New Year: recording a song in the studio
Gifts for the New Year: recording a song in the studio

Experiences can be given multiple times

If a person once experienced the sensation of soaring in a wind tunnel and again sees a certificate for such a gift, he will never say: "Thank you, but I already have it." You want to relive a good adventure over and over again.

Gifts for the New Year: flying in a wind tunnel
Gifts for the New Year: flying in a wind tunnel

It is very pleasant to please loved ones, especially when you also receive a reward. Experience store Furpur presents all customers with three certificates to a can of black caviar. A pleasant addition to the festive table.


And the most interesting thing about experience gifts is that they are readily available. One has only to want, and you will turn the New Year into a fairy tale!
