Table of contents:

Post-workout nutrition or how to close the metabolic window
Post-workout nutrition or how to close the metabolic window
Post-workout nutrition or how to close the metabolic window
Post-workout nutrition or how to close the metabolic window

Very often we try to go the easiest way. In most cases this is correct, but in some situations it only makes it worse. Our food is just one of those situations. Trying to go the easiest way here is wrong, as well as not paying attention to many little things. Today we will talk about one of these little things.

It's no secret that our body gets stressed during exercise. Firstly, due to the fact that a large amount of energy is spent in a short time, and secondly, due to the fact that our muscles receive microtrauma. These are two main processes that are activated during exercise.

So what you eat after exercise should address these two issues: replenish depleted energy stores and prevent muscle breakdown. This technique even received a special name - protein-carbohydrate window or metabolic window.

The metabolic window is a state of the body, at the moment of which it is very much in need of nutrients. Mainly in proteins and carbohydrates. Protein is needed to increase the concentration of amino acids in the body, which will lead to better growth in strength, endurance and muscle mass. While carbohydrates are needed in order to cover the energy deficit that occurs after exercise.

Here you need to stop and understand, what is your goal? If you want to lose weight, then you can either reduce or completely remove carbohydrates from the window, since the calorie deficit created after training will just help you lose weight. If you want to improve your strength and endurance indicators, then you should close this window completely.

Here are the basic rules for the metabolic window:

  1. the amount of protein should be 0.4-0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight
  2. the amount of carbohydrates should be 0.4-0.5 grams per kilogram of body weight
  3. carbohydrates are of secondary importance, so you need to build on your goal
  4. the protein-carbohydrate window lasts about an hour after the end of the workout
  5. do not eat fatty foods, it negatively affects the digestive processes after training

After training, you can also afford to eat something not very healthy: rolls, marshmallows, cookies, and more.


The list of products is simply huge and you can choose any of them for yourself, just keeping the balance of proteins and carbohydrates. Here are the most common ones:


  • protein cocktail
  • hen
  • a fish
  • egg whites


  • bananas (or other fruits)
  • honey
  • milk
  • dried fruits

It only remains to add that there is a huge field for controversy here for those who like various studies. This is due to the fact that tons of studies consistently show mixed results, from the benefits to the absolute uselessness of the metabolic window. How do you feel about this theory?
