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How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks
How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

You can get an energy boost without a cup of coffee or tea, and in quite simple ways.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks
How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

Work, English courses, constant communication with many people - all this makes us restless, draws energy out of us, the reserves of which must be constantly replenished, otherwise by the end of the day you will not even look like a squeezed lemon, but something worse.

Most of the time, we rely on caffeine when we need to recharge. But in addition to a few cups of coffee or tea, we can get headaches, blood pressure problems, mood swings, or other unpleasant effects. Therefore, this method should not be abused. The good news is there are many other ways to tone up. Let's talk about them.

High protein snacks

Do you regularly feel sleepy? During the day, you need to snack on snacks that are filled with proteins. Eat, for example, a slice of apple with peanut butter, a slice of bread with cottage cheese, a handful of almonds or dried fruit.

Well, if you need to cheer up very quickly, then a protein shake will help. It can be found in the fitness club.

More vitamin B

Signs of vitamin B deficiency: frequent mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety, depression. If you constantly feel tired, then you need to think about how to replenish stocks of this valuable vitamin. You can find many foods high in it (beans, fish, nuts, whole grains, eggs) or drink vitamin complexes, which are best taken in the morning with meals for good results. And by the way, all vitamins are better absorbed with a sufficient amount of fat in food.

A little workout

When you're tired, the last thing you want to do is move. However, it has long been known that a little workout can energize you for the rest of your day. You do not need to torture yourself on the treadmill for an hour, a short run around the block will be enough. Lacking motivation at all? As always, good music in your headphones can help. By the way, we recently compiled a special selection for running. Well, if you don't want to get out of your home or office at all, then do 25 squat jumps.

Cold shower

A hot shower is soothing and relaxing. But if your goal is cheerfulness, then the water should be made colder. Cold water tones the body and speeds up blood circulation. You can start with a hot shower and finish with a 5 minute douche with cold water. If you cringe at the thought of a cold shower, then you can splash ice water on your face at least a couple of times.

Eat less, but more often

Changing your eating habits can dramatically increase your energy levels. If you eat less and more often, you will get an even flow of calories. Heavy meals will make you feel sleepy, while small meals will give you almost pure energy. And try to avoid sugary drinks, especially those containing caffeine. You will get a sharp jump in energy, but after a while you will feel even worse.

Try to go to bed 20 minutes early

Many have already got into the habit of postponing urgent matters until late at night. As a result, you go to bed later and later. 4 hours of sleep is not enough for a normal body, you will be tired and nervous during the day. Try to reverse the situation, firstly, trying to keep up with urgent matters during the day, and secondly, start going to bed 20-30 minutes earlier than the previous one every day. After a while, you will develop the correct and suitable regime for you.

Take a walk

A walk in the fresh air affects the body in much the same way as a short exercise. If you go for a walk in winter, then additionally cheer up from the frosty air. Worried about getting bored? Grab your camera and take some beautiful pictures. Or you can walk one extra stop, instead of jumping on the bus right away (you can also leave the car away from work). A walk can help you reboot your brain and relieve the fatigue that appears after a few hours at your desk. So next time you feel like you need a break - take a walk!

That damn dog tried to take a bite out of me when I went past it!
That damn dog tried to take a bite out of me when I went past it!

Massage or reflexology

Reflexology is the impact on specific points on the arms and legs, which are associated with the internal organs and parts of the body. For example, the top of the thumb is connected to the pituitary gland. A general massage will refresh you and give you vigor, but reflexology will do even more - it will make the necessary organs work more actively. During the break, massage your hands and feet yourself (if possible). This will stimulate the work of all organs and give yourself energy for the rest of the day. We even recently wrote an article in which we talked about what specific points are on the feet.


Chat with someone, you can even chat or over the phone. A few minutes of casual conversation will increase your focus and productivity. Are your coworkers too busy? But your mom is probably ready to talk with you about the latest family news.


Our brains are incredibly powerful tools. And by visualizing our desires, we may well translate them into reality. The next time you feel exhausted, sit in a chair with your back straight and your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a good mood, that you are energized. Breathe calmly and deeply, keeping your back straight at all times. After a few of these workouts, you will learn to meditate and in just a few minutes you can literally bring yourself back to life. Read how to train yourself to meditate every day here.

What are some ways you can keep yourself awake throughout the day without drinking caffeinated beverages?
