Created a 3D map of the Star Wars universe
Created a 3D map of the Star Wars universe
Use the map, Luke! Created 3D-visualization of the universe of "Star Wars"
Use the map, Luke! Created 3D-visualization of the universe of "Star Wars"

Understanding the Star Wars universe is quite difficult. Especially if you are interested in the Expanded Universe, and not only in what the legendary six episodes offer. While we wait for the premiere of the seventh and worry if it will ruin the cult Disney saga, you can play with the new interactive map of the Star Wars universe from the studio Nclud.

The journey to other galaxies begins with a retro intro and classic titles “A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…”. In one click, a huge map, made in the style of the original trilogy, unfolds in front of you. A view of the galaxy and planets opens up to the eyes, each with a short reference card. Using the menu in the upper left corner, you can remove and add celestial bodies - for example, open those that appeared only in Episode I or only in Episode IV. Switching between windows is accompanied by typical R2D2 replicas. But the sounds of the chatty robot can be turned off.


The map will appeal not only to fans of film adaptations. The creators of the unusual project, studio Nclud, made sure that those planets that are not in the films at all are displayed. Indeed, when creating the map, information about the entire Expanded Universe was used. In particular, the data was taken from the SWAPI site, which contains the largest amount of information about Star Wars. Thus, admirers of comics, cartoons, and books about the fantasy world will be able to find their favorite planet.


Kyle Konrad, a designer at studio Nclud, says the whole project was driven by sheer enthusiasm. The team's developers needed to hone their skills with three.js, a JavaScript library for creating 3D objects. And since everyone in the studio just adores Star Wars, they decided to make such an interactive map. Where this road will lead, Kyle cannot yet say. Of course, both he and the developers have certain ambitions and dreams of monetizing the project. However, while the map of the Star Wars universe remains only a platform for the implementation of their own professional skills and entertainment.

Based on materials from ProductHunt and DesignerNews.
