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8 tips that could one day save lives
8 tips that could one day save lives

You cannot be sure that nothing bad will happen to you. Better to be prepared for anything. We've selected eight tips that might one day save your life.

8 tips that could one day save lives
8 tips that could one day save lives

We are 100% sure that nothing bad will ever happen to us. That we will not witness an accident or get into it ourselves, that we will never get lost in the forest or have a heart attack.

But the reality is that absolutely anything can happen, and it's better to be prepared for it. You may still think that all the bad things will pass you by, but read and remember these tips, which we will discuss below. Perhaps they will someday help save lives.

These tips were shared by Quora users at.

How to help another person when a crowd is gathered around

The bystander effect is a rule that states: the more random bystanders around, the less likely it is that someone will help. Each will always hope for the other. How to act in such a situation:

  1. Identify someone who will help you. You probably won't know his name, so point to it and describe:

    You, in a red T-shirt and shorts, please come to me and help me hold / bandage / carry the person.

  2. Talk to another person and ask him to call an ambulance. Don't assume that someone else is already doing this. Everyone will think the same.

Your goal is to make a few people in charge, otherwise they will just stand and stare at the person in trouble.

How to deal with a suspicious taxi driver

First of all, before getting into a taxi, always remember the car number. If you see that the taxi driver is behaving suspiciously, call any acquaintance (or pretend to call) and during the conversation (fictional) tell the interlocutor that you are already in a taxi and give the car number.

The driver will not know the purpose of your call. The only thing that matters to him now is that someone else knows the number of his car, and as a result, he will not be able to do anything, even if he wanted to.

What to do if you choke

If you are choking and unable to breathe, immediately stand up on your knees and hands. After that, suddenly throw your hands forward and fall on your chest and stomach. Quite frustrating, but you shouldn't care if you want to save your life.

Take this position if you choke
Take this position if you choke

Here's a video showing what needs to be done.

What to do if you get stuck in the snow

Most likely, if this happened, you are a climber, and therefore you already know what to do, but still. If you are stuck under a snowdrift and do not know which way to get out, clear a small hole in front of your mouth and spit there. Under the force of gravity, saliva will flow towards the center of the earth, which means that you need to move in the opposite direction.

If you get lost in the woods

Walk around the trees on one side. If you are right-handed, then on the left, if you are left-handed, on the right. This way you cannot go in circles.

If your friend drank and says he is sober and gets behind the wheel

Hit him.

Heart attack

If you feel a sharp pain in the heart area, then breathe as deeply and forcefully as you can before the ambulance arrives and taking the pills. This will help pump blood out of the heart.

If you fell into the water by car

Don't try to open the door right away. A sharp stream of water will hit you and sweep into the interior of the cabin. Instead, wait for the car to submerge in the water and open a window or open a door to allow water to slowly flow into the interior. After it is almost full, you can swim out.


Always wear your fucking seat belt in your car.
