Workout of the Day: Load your abs with little to no movement
Workout of the Day: Load your abs with little to no movement

Three exercises for strong core, shoulders and hips.

Workout of the Day: Load your abs with little to no movement
Workout of the Day: Load your abs with little to no movement

This short set from trainer Tanya Poppett does not involve active movement and does not require equipment. The goal in all exercises is to avoid movement of the body and hips: do not twist, twist or twist while raising the arms and legs.

To remain static in an unstable environment, your body will have to contract many muscle groups at the same time. So don't expect your workout to be easy.

  • Forearm plank with alternating arms. Perform six times for each hand. Try to fix your body and not move your hips. To make it more comfortable, place your legs wider.
  • Bearish leg raises. Do six times with each leg. Make sure that the lower back remains flat, does not sag down or round.
  • Side plank knee raises. Perform six raises on the knee closest to the floor, then stand on the plank on the other hand and repeat.

Do three sets of each exercise, resting one minute in between.
