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How to work if you haven't slept much
How to work if you haven't slept much

You don't need to add coffee and energy drinks. There are healthier ways to invigorate.

How to work if you haven't slept much
How to work if you haven't slept much

Each of us has sleepless nights. Maybe you are stuck up late on the Internet and lost track of the time. Or maybe there was a lot of work that could not be postponed. Or, on the contrary, you overdid it a little with rest and fun and went to bed in the morning. The reason is not that important.

It is important that due to lack of sleep, the brain is no longer functioning as quickly and well as it should. Studies show that as a result of lack of sleep, some parts of the brain are less well supplied with blood, in particular the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, analytical thinking, memory, and willpower. In addition, we become more irritable and more prone to mood swings.

And despite all this, after a sleepless night, you often have to go to work. And not just sit there in the corner with a pillow, but complete tasks and make decisions. Here are some tips on how to deal with this situation.

1. Add fresh air

Nature has already provided us with a free and effective energy drink. This is the air we breathe. Staying in the fresh air makes us more energetic, improves cognitive functions for a short time: memory, attention, thinking. All because of the influence of oxygen: it saturates the cells of the body and stops hypoxia, which means it helps it to function at the required level.

And if the sun is also shining brightly outside, the effect will be more pronounced: sunlight promotes the production of serotonin, which improves mood and helps normalize circadian rhythms.

So, if at work you have the opportunity to sit near an open window, go for a short walk in the park, or at least stand on the balcony, use it. It will definitely help to cheer up a little.

2. Avoid simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates and processed foods that are easy to digest are just what your tired body will require. But nutritionists advise to be careful with such products. They digest quickly and provide a short burst of energy, unlike complex carbohydrates, which break down slowly and provide more "stable" energy.

Therefore, it is worth choosing natural products that provide the body with the necessary substances. These are complex carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain bread), protein (fish, steamed meat), fiber (greens, fresh vegetables).

If you are not getting enough sleep, it is especially important to eat regularly and in a balanced way throughout the day. If you add low glucose to your condition, it will be very difficult to work and stay in a good mood.

3. Stay active

At first glance, this may seem illogical: what kind of sport, if I can hardly drag my legs anyway. Nevertheless, physical activity speeds up basic metabolism: blood circulation increases, more oxygen enters the cells, and chemical processes are more active in them. As a result, within a couple of hours you feel a surge of strength.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to go to a full-fledged workout in the middle of the working day, but you can do a little exercise, warm up, take a short intense walk, walk up the stairs.

4. Don't overdo it with caffeine

It will give you a short burst of energy, which will quickly end - and you will want to drink another cup of coffee. And then another. The main problem is that if you do drink too much, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep in the evening. And the next working day will turn into a nightmare too.

Try to limit yourself to 400 mg of caffeine in the morning: three to four cups of coffee, two energy drinks, or 10 cans of cola.

5. Postpone difficult tasks

If possible, of course. They require more resources, and you need to somehow survive until the evening and not fall asleep on the way home. In addition, when you do not get enough sleep, the risk of messing up, making the wrong decision, breaking into colleagues and saying nasty things is higher.

It will be good if you can postpone important projects and do the mechanical chores.
