10 ways to enjoy summer even when you're in the office
10 ways to enjoy summer even when you're in the office

Only a little bit is left until autumn. If at work you have not been able to properly meet the summer, you still have time to fix everything. You just need to start right now.

10 ways to enjoy summer even when you're in the office
10 ways to enjoy summer even when you're in the office

We have grown. June, July and August have long ceased to be synonymous with absolute freedom and turned into a prolonged depression. Any of us would happily give away four office walls and an air conditioner to enjoy the great weather to the fullest. Enough to suffer. Change the usual state of affairs a little, and summer will regain the title of the best time of the year.

Here are some tips for those who are sentenced to office hard labor, but do not want to calmly watch life pass by.

1. Drink fruit water

It's fun to celebrate the new day with a couple of glasses of "Margarita", but personally, I have not met any managers who would be delighted to see an employee rushing in early in the morning. A traditional glass of water (remember that you have to drink water?) Is diversified by berries, fruits and vegetables. Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and even cucumbers - put it in a jug in the evening, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, a fresh and fragrant beauty will await you, which will give strength, vigor and determination to enjoy the summer at all costs. It is tasty, healthy, and the water balance is normal. The caring Lifehacker prepared several for you and even found it.

2. Make a summer playlist

Even though we are no longer 18, some songs instantly help us forget about this unfortunate fact. We turn them on and rejoice. A rave in the office is not a good idea, but Bob Marley, for example, is much more suitable in hellish heat than a boring radio. They will help to make a selection of good music.

3. Decorate your workspace

Even small changes are good. From 9:00 to 18:00 you are chained to an office table, so let at least the sight of your place of imprisonment please the eye. Change the space around you as the mood dictates: a tabletop rock garden, family photos from last year's vacation, a map with routes for future trips … If you can't rush towards summer right now, it will come to you by itself.

4. Add light

Raise the blinds, open the windows and let in the sunlight. If you're unlucky enough to have a window seat, a table lamp or two will dispel the darkness and make the environment less oppressive. You will be surprised when you see how much the mood depends on the level of illumination.

5. Take advantage of "denim Fridays"

Following the transformation of your workplace, add a little summer to your wardrobe. Light things of light colors and loose fit will save you from heatstroke and create a relaxed mood. When it comes to summer outfits, squeeze the best out of the dress code.

6. Dine like a summer

Forget about the nearby dining room and the same food all year round. they can bring back the summer mood by their very appearance, so spend a little time at the stove in the evening. A barbecue chicken in the company of boiled corn and fresh vegetable salad is a great distraction from the hardships of office life. Sun-ripened vegetables, by the way, are no match for dull greenhouse vegetables, so do not waste your time in vain.

7. Don't eat in the office

In the summer, you can change not only the diet, but also the usual dislocation. Even half an hour under the sun will help you unwind and forget about work. Leaving the office dungeon for a while is good for health: firstly, fresh air, and secondly, vitamin D, which is synthesized in our skin thanks to ultraviolet light. Take your lunch with you and go to the nearest square or park. Just try not to stain your new summer shirt.

8. Get up earlier

In summer, the days are longer, but are we using it? I suggest starting right tomorrow: get up early and be the first to arrive at the office. Bingo, now I have a little extra time to make a to-do list and get into work. Agree with the manager to shift the schedule by a couple of hours - and come and leave earlier. This way you will have more opportunities for walks and personal affairs.

9. Change habits

Day after day, doing the same thing, we get bogged down in a routine. In the summer it is absolutely useless. If you’ve learned to wake up earlier, use the hours you won over sleep to the fullest. Get to work by bike or even on foot, explore the area where your office is located, have breakfast in interesting cafes … Summer is a time of change. It is not worth turning the most interesting and busy months into a stagnant swamp.

10. Leave all work at work

In the modern world, office affairs are trying to subjugate our whole life. The boss calls at every opportunity, emails continue to pour into the mail all night long … It's time to do something. When you are not working, turn off your computer and phone. Do not reply to emails, they can easily wait. Just think: at the best time of the year, you spend at least 40 hours a week on the office! Every free minute outside its walls should be free in the full sense of the word. Forget about everything and just. Just like in childhood.
