Table of contents:

Why you should work from a cafe, even if you have an office
Why you should work from a cafe, even if you have an office
Why you should work from a cafe, even if you have an office
Why you should work from a cafe, even if you have an office

More and more companies in Russia and the countries of the former CIS are adopting the practice of introducing a free work schedule without linking work to an office. The trend is great, but after some experience of working from home, I can say that this "freedom" does not want to be used too often. At home, laziness and procrastination will surely lie in wait for you. And it is highly discouraged to mix a place for work and rest. The founder of Family Records and, Wesley Verkhov, shares his positive experience of working in a cafe and explains why the practice of such work was kept when he opened his own office.

The experience of working from the cafe was so positive that even after the guys had their own office, they organized “working days from the cafe” every month. Of course, they don't recommend working out of the cafe every day. But below I will give the reasons why it is great to work from a cafe for at least a day or two a month.

Changing environments fosters creative processes

Working even in the most amazing and unusual offices, there is a chance to fall into a state of routine, and routine, as you know, is the first enemy of creativity. Changing the environment even for one day creates new sensations, which, in turn, stimulate creativity and give inspiration.

Less distractions

It sounds counterintuitive, but there are fewer distractions in a noisy café than in a quiet office. In the office, work is constantly interrupted by work questions and conversations at the cooler or kettle. Any interruption will reduce productivity. The atmosphere of the cafe combines all the advantages of "anonymity" and joint productive activity. Unlike working at home, where you work alone and constantly struggle with laziness, a cafe provides an opportunity for comfortable interaction between people (a team) on your terms.

Own community and meeting new people

Meeting new people always gives new ideas, new points of view on existing problems, and can also inspire you.

To make the cafe experience as rewarding and enjoyable as possible, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Change the cafes you go to work. Instead of going to the same place every time, go to a different one. After all, the main goal is to get rid of the feeling of routine.

Buy something. Don't be a curmudgeon by buying one coffee throughout the day. Buy something else and leave a good tip. The waiters and cafe staff are great people and they will be great for you if you are a good customer. One day, you get a complimentary toppings or cake from the establishment.

A place. Do not sit next to the door or to the bar, cashier, unless, of course, you can avoid it. Concentrated areas inside cafes will not help you focus on work.

Charger. Come work with fully charged devices. I prefer not to take any charging cables with me, as most people do, because the laptop battery lasts 6 hours. This makes me work more focused: I know that after 6 hours I will have to take a break because the charging will end.

And now I ask you to share you, wherever you live, your favorite places, from which it is convenient for you to work. Don't forget to add the city to your comment with the place.
