Can I drink alcohol for colds or coronavirus?
Can I drink alcohol for colds or coronavirus?

The infectious disease doctor answers.

Can I drink alcohol for colds or coronavirus?
Can I drink alcohol for colds or coronavirus?

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Can I drink alcohol if I get SARS or coronavirus? Is there any scientific basis for its benefits or harms during a cold?


Drinking alcoholic beverages with ARVI, flu and COVID-19 - especially if the disease is accompanied by a high fever - is categorically contraindicated. Here is the effect of Alcohol against COVID-19: truth, myths, opinions and facts on the body Fact sheet - Alcohol and COVID-19: what you need to know (2020) alcohol:

  1. Weakens the body's immune system. This negatively affects the course of the infection, can aggravate the disease and lead to serious complications. For example, increase the risk of bacterial pneumonia.
  2. Negatively affects the cardiovascular system. In particular, it increases heart rate and blood pressure. And with COVID-19 and other acute respiratory viral infections, the cardiovascular system is already exposed to additional stress. Therefore, alcohol can provoke a pronounced violation of the heart rhythm and cause severe arrhythmias or acute circulatory disorders. The risk of thrombosis also increases.
  3. Changes the effect of drugs. As a result, they may not work as they should and be harmful to health.
  4. Disrupts digestive processes. Relationships Between Nutrition, Alcohol Use, and Liver Disease essential vitamins, trace elements and nutrients begin to be absorbed worse. For example, the absorption of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous tissue, many immunological reactions and the synthesis of normal components of the blood system, decreases.

The statement about the effectiveness of alcohol in ARVI is a myth. WHO says Alcohol does not protect against COVID-19; for the duration of the general quarantine, access to alcoholic beverages should be limited, that alcohol does not help in any way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and should not be consumed if you are already sick. It has no antiviral effect, but only interferes with the body's fight against infection.

Also, remember that there is no safe dose of alcohol and it cannot be recommended for any "medicinal purposes". The most effective way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to practice self-isolation and basic hygiene practices.
