The best personal Day One diary for Mac has been updated with new functionality
The best personal Day One diary for Mac has been updated with new functionality
The best personal Day One diary for Mac has been updated with new functionality
The best personal Day One diary for Mac has been updated with new functionality

As I said earlier, I keep a personal diary. In it, you can write everything as it is, without thinking that your mother, wife or girlfriend can read you. You can be honest about your work and problems in it. It helps you to set your brains right when it becomes completely unclear what is happening around and the reasons for this. And there is no better solution, and we went through a lot of options than the Day One program for OS X and iOS. And today, in honor of the release of Mavericks, it has been seriously updated.

The main novelty is the ability to view the map, on which entries are automatically applied, if you did it earlier using your iPhone or iPad. Also, Day One has a sophisticated search that will help you find any entry with tags and special tags. Additionally, a simplified navigation has appeared for those who do not like mice and touchpads, but love keyboard navigation.


Viewing records on a map


Convenient advanced search


Navigating with coaviature

If you are an Apple tech user, be sure to try the Day One apps, which sync your notes via iCloud, and you won't be able to keep a personal diary in another environment. Promise…
