REVIEW: "The Illusion of the Self, or the Games the Brain Plays with Us", Bruce Hood
REVIEW: "The Illusion of the Self, or the Games the Brain Plays with Us", Bruce Hood

How the human brain works and functions, where thoughts come from and what the mind is - clear answers to these difficult questions can be found in one of the best books on neuroscience that I have read.

REVIEW: "The Illusion of the Self, or the Games the Brain Plays with Us", Bruce Hood
REVIEW: "The Illusion of the Self, or the Games the Brain Plays with Us", Bruce Hood

Bruce Hood hits the sick man. With ruthless scientific impartiality, he tells how the brain works and functions, where thoughts come from and what the mind is.

Hood is not unfounded - he speaks and compares the points of view of colleagues and always argues his position. The many examples and experiments described in the pages of the book dispel the remnants of skepticism. And now the idea that "I" is just an illusion does not seem so wild.

As the brain develops, so does the self. When the brain degrades, the same should happen with the self. Bruce Hood

Bruce Hood's theory is sobering and inspiring at the same time. It turns out that everything is not so scary. Having studied the laws of the brain, you can make friends with it, take control of your life and make your illusory self happy.

The book is easy to read, but not fast. Difficult things are stated in simple language, so you re-read some paragraphs several times. I want to read a book with a pencil in my hands: underline, write out, mark.

Where do thoughts come from and what is mind
Where do thoughts come from and what is mind

Who Should Read This Book

  1. Parents who have small children, as well as those who are just planning to have them. You will learn a lot about the cognitive processes of babies, such as mirror neurons and their effect on behavior, and perhaps adjust the parenting process.
  2. Executives, hiring managers and other professionals who need to be well versed in people by their line of work.
  3. Psychologists and neuroscientists.
  4. Inquisitive natures striving for self-knowledge and self-development.

My personal assessment of Bruce Hood's book "The Illusion of the Self, or Games the Brain Plays with Us" - 9 out of 10.

(Not 10, because a ten-point flurry of emotions in me can only be caused by a book of fiction.)
