Remembering data with Anki training decks
Remembering data with Anki training decks
Remembering data with Anki training decks
Remembering data with Anki training decks

On the pages of, we have already talked about a web service for creating educational sheets and further memorizing their material - HeadMagnet (). Today we will talk about the Anki program, which takes over the process of our learning, diagnosing progress and analyzing the performed exercises on training decks. Learning maps allow you to learn foreign languages, programming languages, concepts, memorize people's names, geographic data, and even memorize guitar chords.

Remembering data with Anki training decks
Remembering data with Anki training decks

Anki, unlike HeadMagnet, is more of a program than a desktop client. It works by itself, downloads training decks from the server if necessary. Registration on Anki Online was useful only for creating a training deck.

Training decks in Anki
Training decks in Anki

To start the study, select a deck with training cards and start the process. Anki's interface is divided into two parts - at the top there is a question, at the bottom there is a hidden answer.

After the mentally spoken answer, press the "Show Answer" button and choose one of the options: I don't remember, I still study, I remember, I know (in various training decks there may be a transcription of foreign words, an example of pronunciation or graphics). You need to answer honestly, since the method of repetition of the data will be determined:

  • I don’t remember - the very first step assumes that you don’t know the teaching material or have forgotten it. The card will be repeated often until you remember;
  • still learning - the second stage of the learning process. You teach, and most importantly, repeat on time. The memory card will be repeated two days later;
  • I remember - the memory is already giving out the answer, but you can't stop repeating. The next time this question will be asked in four days;
  • I know - the final stage at which you just need to consolidate the data, confirm the knowledge. The frequency of repetition is once every five days.
At the end of the lesson in Anki
At the end of the lesson in Anki

At the end of the lesson, it is reported on the number of cards that will be added or repeated in the next lesson. In the training options, the number of new cards per day, the limitation of the lesson by time or by the number of questions, and so on, is subject to customization.

The section "Diagrams" contains information about the number of cards waiting to be repeated on a new day. During training, the number of repetitions first increases and then decreases. The Watch Time Chart shows the daily amount of time spent studying and viewing the cards in the current deck.

There is a concept of "cumulative expectation", which characterizes the number of cards that after a while will acquire the status of "waiting", that is, they have not been repeated for a long time and abandoned in the learning process.

Getting started in Anki is easier than in HeadMagnet, since there is no need to deal with the system for entering material for memorization. Also, difficulties can be caused by the English language in HeadMagnet, and in Anki this issue has already been resolved, although the program is in version 0.9.9.
