Evaluate Day - smart diary with goal analysis and statistics
Evaluate Day - smart diary with goal analysis and statistics
Evaluate Day - smart diary with goal analysis and statistics
Evaluate Day - smart diary with goal analysis and statistics

Diaries are a very useful thing, they allow you to organize your thoughts, write down memories and feelings, outline goals and track the process of achieving them. But there is one problem with them - it takes time to keep a diary, and we often don't have it. The creators of the Evaluate Day application undertook to solve this problem, which has all the useful functions of a diary, as well as statistics and analysis tools for achieving goals, but most importantly, it takes almost no time.

Despite the hustle and bustle of everyday life, every day we live is unique: it carries various emotions, we travel, we learn something new, we take steps towards our goals. With the help of Evaluate Day, all this can be easily translated into the language of numbers and analyzed. The main feature of the application is the ability to add various criteria by which you can evaluate the days, and then analyze them.


After the launch, Evaluate Day briefly introduces us to these possibilities and invites us to get started. It is advisable to immediately add a couple of goals that you set for yourself and assign them several criteria by which you can evaluate the process of their implementation on a daily basis.


Your feed is still empty, but soon it will be filled with memories and events. It is very simple to evaluate the day: first, press the round button with the icon and add a description of the day, photo, geotag and, by touching the background, select the color of the day. Now, below we put down marks according to the criteria, moving the sliders to the desired marks and select satisfaction. On the "Goals" tab, we note whether we have made progress on this day towards the set goals and, if necessary, attach a comment.


With the goals, everything is clear, here you can assign any global business to the fulfillment of which you are striving. You can assess how much you have progressed, for a particular day, using the criteria. You can add as many and whatever you like, setting the scale gradation at 100, 10 and 3 points. If necessary, you can add comments to them.

After a while, when a certain amount of data is collected, your days can be analyzed. This is done in the "Statistics" section, which is hidden in the application menu on the top panel.


Here is a graph of your grades for each of the criteria. Depending on the grading scale, each of them has its own form. The next screen shows your progress towards the set goals - we swipe to the left and see which goals you paid attention to on which days.

The resulting statistics can be used to plan your work tasks, more efficiently distributing the workload, taking into account your most productive days, as well as the days that are suitable for specific tasks.

Evaluate Day is distributed on a shareware basis. There is no advertising in the application, but some functions are limited: there is a limit on the number of criteria, the duration of the history and the ability to evaluate only the last three days. Each function can be purchased separately for 59 rubles or all at once for 119.
