Table of contents:

What is genetic analysis and who needs it
What is genetic analysis and who needs it

In some cases, only he will help to recover.

What is genetic analysis and who needs it
What is genetic analysis and who needs it

The DNA test is associated primarily with paternity testing. Well, or with the capture of criminals who inadvertently left their genetic material to criminologists. In fact, the range of applications of genetic analysis is much wider.

What is genetic analysis

To figure it out, let's start with DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid (this is the full name) is a macromolecule with information about how, when and in what quantity the proteins from which a particular organism is built will be produced. It looks like a double spiral, like a spiral staircase.

Genes are sections of DNA in which data about certain hereditary traits is encrypted. Roughly speaking, they record how many and what proteins will be used to create this or that trait. It is genes that determine the height, shape of the ears and nose, the color of the skin, eyes, hair and other external signs, as well as the predisposition to certain diseases and even character traits due to the structure of the brain.

It is believed that genetic analysis (DNA test) is the decoding of the DNA of a particular person. But this is a bit different. The main goal is not so much decoding as interpretation of Genetic Testing results. That is, your DNA is isolated, compared with the reference and looking for deviations - mutations in certain genes.

Mutations tell you how your health differs (or will differ with age) from the reference, and also serve as a personality identifier.

No one else on the planet has such a combination of normal and mutated genes like yours. It's like a fingerprint, only much cooler and more accurate.

This is what the theory looks like. In practice, however, genetic analysis allows one to determine over 2,000 parameters and conditions. But most often the analysis is used in several cases Genetic Testing: How it is Used for Healthcare.

How a DNA test can help if you are sick or afraid of getting sick

Selection of the most effective drugs

This analysis is called pharmacogenetic testing. It allows you to find out which drugs will work best with your DNA.

It may well turn out that a common medicine has almost no effect on you, and a rare one, used in 5-10% of cases, turns out to be a panacea. Or, suppose there is a very effective drug, but with serious side effects. In this case, genetic analysis will help establish how pronounced the side effect will be in you and whether you can take the medicine.

Pharmacogenetic testing is already used today in the treatment of certain types of cancer.

Identifying the causes of existing diseases

For example, you have a chronic illness, but doctors cannot determine its trigger in any way, and therefore do not understand how to treat you. A genetic test makes it possible to look for the causes of the disease in the genes. If it turns out that the matter is really in DNA, the doctor will be able to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the treatment.

Prevention of diseases to which there is a predisposition

There are familial diseases such as diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, and many types of cancer. If among your close or distant relatives there are at least a few people with similar hereditary manifestations, you need a genetic test.

It will help you determine how great your risk of getting sick is. If a predisposition is found, you, with the help of your doctor, can adjust your lifestyle in order to delay as much as possible or even prevent the onset of symptoms.

How genetic testing can help if you are concerned about the health of future children

Checking the compatibility of genes of mom and dad even before conception

Such a study is necessary if there have already been cases of hereditary diseases in the family of a woman or man. The test helps to identify gene mutations, as well as to predict how high the risk of congenital abnormalities in a child is.

Prenatal diagnostics for suspected congenital pathologies

The same test allows you to clarify the sex of the unborn baby and ascertain paternity. Previously, a similar analysis was done by taking a little amniotic fluid or a piece of fetal tissue. He was dangerous because he could provoke a miscarriage. Today, the DNA of the embryo has learned to be isolated from the mother's blood.

IVF testing

It helps to find out if the embryo carries genes that can cause certain serious diseases in the unborn baby. In vitro fertilization is performed only with healthy embryos.

Screening of newborns

It is done one to two days after birth to find out if the baby has congenital disorders that can cause health and developmental problems. This is a mandatory Genetic testing procedure in US maternity hospitals.

How a DNA test can help if you want to find out your own origins and find relatives

With the help of a DNA test, you can clarify the so-called ancestral group - to find out from which part of the world your family originated.

In addition, there are already genetic databases that specialize in commercial DNA analyzes. You send your genetic material (usually, it is about saliva) and in return you receive detailed information about the origin of your family.

As a bonus, as a rule, there are contacts of people whose DNA profiles have a high similarity to yours. This means that such people may turn out to be your relatives - brothers and sisters in the nth tribe. It is up to you to contact them or not. The main thing is that you will have such an opportunity.

What is needed to do a genetic analysis

Previously, DNA testing required a large amount of fresh genetic material - blood or tissue. But today the procedure has been greatly simplified.

Scientists have learned how to isolate Saliva samples as a source of DNA for high throughput genotyping: an acceptable and sufficient means in improvement of risk estimation throughout mammographic diagnostics DNA, which is enough for full testing, even from saliva. Therefore, it is often enough just to spit in the box proposed by geneticists.

And, of course, you need money. The cost of commercial genetic analysis in the Russian Federation starts at $ 200. But if the test is necessary for medical reasons, you can ask your doctor for a referral for a free analysis under the compulsory medical insurance policy.
