Momento - Advanced Personal Diary for iPhone
Momento - Advanced Personal Diary for iPhone

Momento competes with Day One for the title of the best personal diary tool and offers many interesting features. Read more about them in our small review.

Unlike Day One, the Momento app collects life moments from your social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Swarm, Moves and Uber can be connected. All events are automatically transferred to the electronic diary.

Momento: Supported Social Media
Momento: Supported Social Media

In the Timeline, you can see what happened on specific days, months and years. An interesting trick - remembering what a certain day was like a few years ago - is reminiscent of the Timehop app.

Moments are combined into events, the time interval is configurable. So you can divide your life into segments - this is perfect for a travel log, business trips or other important events.

Momento: creating an event
Momento: creating an event
Momento: marking a segment of life
Momento: marking a segment of life

In hand-drawn notes, you can specify location, people, tags, and insert photos. Compared to Day One, the app looks poor, but don't forget that the main focus of it is on keeping a diary automatically.

Momento: create a note
Momento: create a note

Overall, the Momento app left a good impression. It is suitable for those who, first of all, want to create an automatic diary-aggregator, which itself will pull up all your tweets, posts and photos and collect them in one place. Manual notes are secondary here.
