Relieve Stress & Eliminate Back Constraints: Relaxation Poses
Relieve Stress & Eliminate Back Constraints: Relaxation Poses

12 great exercises, 10 breaths each, that are great for relieving tension and releasing clamps after a long time at the computer, from yoga instructor and author of The Runner's Guide to Yoga Sage Roundtree.

Relieve Stress & Eliminate Back Constraints: Relaxation Poses
Relieve Stress & Eliminate Back Constraints: Relaxation Poses

I will say right away, nothing complicated! Simple poses for relaxation, which you already do unconsciously every morning, even just stretching sweetly;)

Exercise number 1

relaxation exercises
relaxation exercises

Lie on your back with a rolled towel or small pillow under your shoulder blades. Feet together, knees to the sides, breathing calmly. Relax for a few minutes.

Exercise number 2

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how to eliminate the feeling of being pinched in the back

Sitting on your heels, wrap your knees around the pillow and wrap your arms around it. For 10-20 breaths, relax with your head turned to one side. Then do the same on the other side.

Exercise number 3

10 easy exercises to relax
10 easy exercises to relax

Remove the pillow, stretch your arms forward and slightly to the side, slightly wider than your shoulders. Feel the stretch in your sides and shoulders. Take a deep breath, gently crawl to the other side and stretch again.

Exercise number 4

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how to do a light stretch

Get on your knees with your back arched up, your neck relaxed, your hands and knees firmly on the floor, and the crown of your head pointing to the floor. Cats know a lot about relaxation;)

Exercise number 5

exercises to help relieve stress
exercises to help relieve stress

As you inhale, bend in your back, stretch your coccyx up, your gaze is directed up. Then, as you exhale, return to the previous cat pose. Alternate these two poses for 10 breaths.

Exercise number 6

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how to get rid of stress with simple exercises

Kneeling, bring your hand under you and rest on one shoulder, trying to put more emphasis on the hand closer to the elbow. The head looks to the side, the neck is not tense. Feel your shoulder stretch.

Exercise number 7

breathing exercises to help relieve stress
breathing exercises to help relieve stress

Sitting or kneeling, raise your hands in the lock, palms up. Keep the spine in a neutral position, trying not to bend to the sides or back and forth.

Exercise number 8

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what exercises will help you calm down

From the previous exercise, move your hands forward in the lock with your palms away from you, your back is round, your face looks down. You should feel a stretch between your shoulder blades.

Exercise number 9

stretching to relax and relieve stress
stretching to relax and relieve stress

Hands in the lock behind the back, palms inward. Gently straighten your back and take your straightened arms back and up a little.

Exercise number 10

morning exercise and stretching
morning exercise and stretching

Wrap your left hand around your waist from behind. With your right hand, press your palm with your left to your side. Stretch your ear to your right shoulder. This exercise stretches the left shoulder and the left side of the neck. Then repeat the same on the other side.

Exercise number 11

how to stretch your back and neck
how to stretch your back and neck

Lie on the floor again, but on this one with your legs straightened and a pillow placed under the pelvis. Your shoulders and back are on the floor. You should feel the front of your thigh stretch. Lie on your back for a minute.

Exercise number 12

how to stretch the front of the thigh
how to stretch the front of the thigh

And the last exercise is to move the pillow under your knees and completely relax your body for five minutes.

According to Sage, these exercises are great for relieving tension and tightness in the body after prolonged seated work. They are also great at relieving tension from tired muscles after strength training.

If I hadn't done the cat, cow and cobra posture after working on the abs, the sensations every other day would have been extremely unpleasant.
