4 exercises to help relieve low back pain
4 exercises to help relieve low back pain

Back pain and getting rid of this problem is, unfortunately, an inexhaustible topic. And today we not only offer you 4 exercises from Yoga Journal that will help relieve discomfort in the lumbar spine and relieve tension, but also talk about the structure and work of the square muscle of the lower back.

4 exercises to help relieve low back pain
4 exercises to help relieve low back pain

Square muscle of the lower back (Latin Musculus quadratus lumborum) - steam room, flat, quadrangular. It begins on the iliac crest, the ilio-lumbar ligament and on the transverse processes of the I – IV lumbar vertebrae. Attaches to the lower edge of the XII rib and to the transverse processes of the I – II lumbar vertebrae.

With a bilateral contraction, it helps to keep the trunk in an upright position. With a unilateral contraction, together with the muscle that straightens the trunk, and the muscles of the side wall of the abdomen, it tilts the spine to its side, pulls the XII rib down.


back pain
back pain

Causes of pain

If you sit or stand for a long time, a deep aching pain may appear in the lower back. Weak back muscles lead to poor posture. In order to somehow compensate for this problem, the square muscles of the lower back, which stretch from the ribs to the hips, need to make more efforts to stabilize the pelvis and spine. As a result of this overtime work, they get tired much faster and are the source of this aching pain. Also, these muscles are located near the kidneys and colon, which means that they can affect your well-being also by acting on these internal organs (kidney pain and digestive problems).

Fortunately, there are special exercises in yoga that will help strengthen this problem area and restore flexibility to it. Loss of tension in these muscles will lengthen your sides and make you feel pleasant relaxation in your abdomen, lower back, and thighs. But in order to do everything right, you need to understand exactly where these muscles are and how they work.

You can feel, for example, the right square muscle of the lower back by placing your right thumb on your back about halfway between your right waist and your spine and pressing down on the space between your lower rib and hip. Lift your right thigh and you will feel this muscle contract.

Often the pain occurs on the side of the back that has been more loaded. This may be due to different leg lengths (usually in humans, one leg is slightly longer than the other, but if the difference is large, it feels stronger) or if you have carried the child in your arms for a long time on a certain side.

Yoga offers many asanas that will very gently help release tension from this part of the back, stretch and strengthen the desired muscles at the same time.


Picking apples

back pain
back pain

Starting pose - Tadasana (mountain pose). Raise your hands up and begin to stretch your left hand even higher: as if you are trying to reach an apple from a branch above your head. Bend your right knee, pull up your right thigh. Inhale and try to feel the tension in the left square muscle of the lower back. Exhale and relax. Repeat this on the other side. Do 10 reps on each side of your body.

Side stretch

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back pain

Sit on the floor, resting on your knees, with your hands resting on the floor just below your shoulders. Bring your knees and inner thighs together, they should fit under the pubic bone. Move your hips to the left until you feel comfortable, with the left hip on the bottom and the right on the top. In this position, look over your right shoulder. Inhale and stretch out along the left lower back and thigh. Exhale, return to the starting position and do the same on the right side. Alternate sides, each time going through the center (starting) position. After doing a few repetitions on each side, you can return to the child's pose and rest a little.

Tummy down

back pain
back pain

Place a pillow or bolster against your left thigh, then swing your torso towards the pillow. Continuing to stretch in the spine, place your hands on the sides of the pillow and bend over until you touch the pillow with your ribs and chest. Turn your head to the side that is most comfortable for you. Bend your hips and knees until you find a position with a pleasant, light pull on your right side, allowing your right hip to stretch in the opposite direction from your lower ribs. Relax in this position for a few minutes. Then take a few deep breaths and change sides.

Recumbent palm

back pain
back pain

Lie on your back and perform a lateral spine extension with your right knee bent. Keep your shoulders and head on the floor. Grasp your right wrist with your left hand. Then move your legs slightly to the right, crossing your legs to make it easier to keep your legs together. Allow the left side of your body to stretch. Hold this position for a few minutes and then change sides. This exercise is ideal for morning stretching.:)
