Exercises to help relieve upper back pain
Exercises to help relieve upper back pain

We have already published exercises that help to stretch muscles that have become numb during sedentary work, and if not completely relieve, then at least relieve back pain, neck pain and headaches.

The fact that they really work, I was convinced from my own experience. This is especially true for headaches and pain in the upper back. And today I want to offer you another selection of simple exercises, some of which you can do without leaving your office.

Perhaps some of these exercises are repeated, but this will be another good reminder. And if for some reason you have ignored such posts before, now is the right time to take care of your back.

First, briefly about why back pain occurs and what it is fraught with. I think that most of our readers spend their working day sitting at a computer. If you are sitting incorrectly, you have a poorly adjusted chair or a work table, your back, neck and arms will begin to make themselves felt after an hour of work (if not earlier). To the reasons can also be added excess weight, ignorance of safety rules while lifting weights and sports injuries (most often received due to haste and not following the rules). We will not touch on congenital problems, since the doctor must deal with them.

Below are 8 exercises to help you get rid of upper back discomfort. You do not need special equipment to complete them and they will not take much of your time. I just want to remind you once again that your health is much more valuable than any money.

back exercises
back exercises

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Exercise # 1 (pectoralis stretch) … All you have to do is get out of the chair, walk up to the doorway, put your hands on the wall just above your head, and begin to bend forward until you feel a stretch in the muscles in the front of your shoulders. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds and return to the starting position. It is recommended to perform 3 approaches.

Exercise number 2 (thoracic extension). It can be performed without even getting up from the chair. Just place your hands behind your head and clasp your palms together. Begin to move your elbows back, arching in your upper back, and look up at the ceiling. Repeat the exercise 10 times. It is recommended to do it several times a day.

I think that many people do it without even thinking, when they lean back in their work chair, put their hands behind their heads and stretch sweetly, at the end unhooking their palms and spreading their arms to the sides.

Exercise number 3 (arm slide on wall). Stand or sit with your back against a wall, spread your arms out to the sides so that your elbows and wrists touch the wall. Begin to slowly raise your arms up and to the sides as high as you can, and just as slowly lower them. Most importantly, keep your elbows and wrists on the wall. One set has 10 reps. It is recommended to perform 3 approaches.

Exercise number 4 (scapular squeeze). This is a simple compression of the shoulder blades that can be done while standing or sitting. The main thing is that your hands rest calmly on the sides of your body. Bring your shoulder blades together, hold them in this position for 5 seconds, and relax again. One set has 10 reps. It is recommended to do this exercise in 3 sets.

Exercise number 5 (mid-trap exercise). This exercise is one of my favorites, as it not only helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the back, but also strengthens the back well. To do it, lie on the floor with your stomach down, put a small pillow (folded towel) under your chest and spread your arms to your sides, elbows are straightened, and your hands are clenched into a fist with thumbs up. Slowly begin to raise your arms up, squeezing the shoulder blades together, and also slowly lower them down. In this case, you should keep your head so that it forms one straight line along with the whole body. Do not lift your chin or rest your forehead on the floor. One set has 15 reps. It is recommended to perform 3 approaches. When this exercise is no longer difficult for you, you can pick up a light weight.

Another modification of this exercise that personally helps me a lot. Unfortunately, I did not find an illustration for it. You should also lie on a hard surface with your stomach down and spread your arms to your sides. There is no need to underlay anything under the chest. The arms need to be slightly bent at the elbows. As you inhale, you raise your upper body and at the same time pull your arms slightly bent at the elbows back, while straining the muscles that are between the shoulder blades. As you exhale, return to the starting position. During this exercise, you need to monitor the position of your head (do not lift or lower), and your hands. You should work your back muscles, not your arms! This means that tension should only be felt between your shoulder blades. The wrists, elbows and shoulders should be at the same level. Raised elbows or hands, raised shoulders (and the wrists are almost on the floor) should not be!

Exercise number 6 (thoracic stretch). This exercise is a bit like a longitudinal fold, but you don't have to lean forward so deeply while doing it, as our goal is to reach the muscles in your upper back. Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Put your hands on the middle of your legs, tilt your head and neck down towards your navel. Count in this position to 15 and return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise # 7 (quadruped arm / leg raise). This exercise is probably familiar to everyone. Get on all fours, tighten your abs and pull your stomach into you (there should be no bends in the lower back). In this position, begin to slowly raise the arm and the opposite leg (left arm - right leg, right arm - left leg). Hold this position for 5 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the same with the other arm and leg. Repeat 10 times on each side.

I also want to emphasize that, in addition to engaging in the work of the press, you must monitor the position of your head (do not lift up strongly and do not lower it), and also make sure that the body does not deviate to the side, since during this exercise you will be tempted to lean a little to the side, as this makes it easier to maintain your balance.

Exercise number 8 (rowing exercise). To do this, you will need an expander or any other elastic rope. Tie (or hook) the expander around a stationary and well-secured object (this could be the handle of a closed door), sit on a chair and grasp the free ends of the expander. Keep your forearms straight in front of you. The elbows should be flush with the shoulders and the angle between the shoulders and forearms should be 90 degrees. Pull the ends of the expander, spreading your arms to the sides and squeezing the muscles between the shoulder blades. Return to starting position. One set has 10 reps. It is recommended to do this exercise in 3 sets.

Half of these exercises can be done right in the office, and some of them (Exercise # 2) without even getting up from your chair. Think about them the next time you feel tired or tight in your back and shoulders, and try to do at least the first 4 exercises. I'm sure you won't regret it.
