Home gym: exercise for the whole body
Home gym: exercise for the whole body
Home gym: exercise for the whole body
Home gym: exercise for the whole body

Due to frequent departures for quite a long time, I began to be more and more interested in workouts that can be performed almost everywhere and for this you do not need special equipment.

As a result, I found an interesting article that offers 50 exercises, the only "weapon" of which is your body weight. The exercises are divided into separate blocks depending on the part of the body to which the load is given. And since 50 exercises at a time is too much, I decided to use the proposed division by muscle groups. This post contains exercises for the whole body.

1. "Inch caterpillar"

To perform this exercise, you need to stand up straight and then lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your toes, while keeping your legs straight, but not tense. As soon as you reach the floor with your fingers, begin to slowly step forward with your hands. After you are in the push-up position, begin to crawl back on your hands just as slowly until you return to the starting position. At the same time, the back does not bend, the stomach is pulled in, try not to pull your head into your shoulders.

It is recommended to do 4-6 reps, but if your training allows, increase the number.

2. Jumping with a fold

Starting position: just stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Jump, trying to jump as high as possible and pull your knees to your chest. The arms are extended forward during the jump. Land on slightly bent knees and immediately perform the second jump.

Naturally, this exercise is best done either on the street, or in an apartment on the ground floor, or when you are 100% sure that there are no neighbors downstairs … and preferably two or three floors down. Jump as long as you have strength:)

3. Bearish crawl

Starting position: you are on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Then you rise on your toes (your legs remain bent), the body is tucked up, and you begin to slowly move forward, moving first your right arm and leg, then your left arm and leg. It turns out that you are walking like a bear - slowly and waddling a little.

4. Polymetric push-ups

These push-ups are best performed not on the floor, but at least on a sports mat. Start with regular push-ups and then start with small jump push-ups. That is, your hands should at least slightly come off the surface. Push-ups are performed without stopping as long as you have the strength.

5. Climbing stairs + biceps

Here you still need some equipment and a ladder. Pick up light dumbbells (or heavy) or some household items, and start climbing the stairs, while doing exercises for the biceps - alternately on the left and right hand or both hands at once.

6. "Climber"

Starting position: a stand on all fours. Leaning on straight arms, pull your left knee to your chest and at the same time straighten your right leg. Leaning on straight arms, change legs in a small jump. In this case, the arms should remain in place, the whole body should be in tension - the stomach is tucked up, the back is straight.

7. "Strike"

The starting position is as if you were about to do push-ups. Then slowly begin to move forward on your hands. In this case, the toes on which you rest should remain in one place, like the rest of the body. Then, just as slowly return to the starting position.

8. "Squat thrust"

It is considered one of the best exercises for strengthening the whole body. Starting position: low squat, hands rest on the floor. Then, jump back into the push-up position. Perform push-ups and jump back to the starting position. Jump up and return to the starting position again. Then do the push-up again.

9. Plank

Lie face down with your forearms on the floor. Then rise up, resting on your forearms. Legs are straightened, emphasis on the socks. The abdomen is pulled in, the back is straight, without deflections in the lower back, or vice versa, with the booty raised to the top. Stand in this position for 30-60 seconds (or longer).

You can complicate the plank by alternately raising your legs: both feet on the floor, raise your right leg, again two feet on the floor, raise your left leg (each at least 10 counts).

10. Plank push-ups

Starting position: plank with an emphasis on the forearms. Then you begin to alternately straighten your arms into a push-up position, and then also alternately bend to return to the bar. In this case, the back is straight, the stomach is pulled in, the whole body is tense. Each time, alternate the hands with which you begin the exercise.

Exercises for the legs - in the next post.
