Home Gym: Leg Exercises
Home Gym: Leg Exercises
Home Gym: Leg Exercises
Home Gym: Leg Exercises

Continuation of the cycle of posts about exercises, for which you only need your desire and your body weight. This time we will work on the legs!

And after the legs, the priest will pull up.

1. Squats with an emphasis on the wall

Rest your back straight against the wall and begin to squat slowly until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 60 seconds or longer (if you have enough strength) and slowly rise. In this case, the back should be flat, and the angle between the hip and knee should be 90 degrees. Make sure that your knees do not go forward, behind your toes.

If this exercise turns out to be too easy for you in this form, you can add work with biceps to it.

2. Lunges

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Then take a step forward while squatting. The angle between knee and hip should be 90 degrees. Then return from the squat to the starting position and do the same with the other leg. In this case, the knee of the second leg should not touch the floor; in no case do we rest our hands on the knee of the working leg. If you lean your body forward a little while squatting, the load on the working leg will increase.

Complicating. Lunge forward, stay in this position and spring with a small amplitude 8 times. Then you freeze in the lower position for another 8 accounts. Or you can make the springs alternately on each leg: first, 3 times several approaches, and then 7 times.

3. Squats in the lunge "clock"

First perform a standard forward lunge and return to the starting position. Then, with the same leg, take a large step to the side and squat. Return to the starting position again and take a step back and squat. Return to the starting position and do the same with the other leg.

4. Squats in the lunge with raising the leg

Do a normal forward lunge, but return to the starting position with a slight change. You should push back with your working leg and, when returning to the starting position, do not put it on the floor, but raise it up so that there is an angle of 90 degrees between the knee and the hip. At the same time, the arms are raised above the head.

5. Jumping lunge

This is practically the same as a simple lunge. The simple exercise is complicated by the fact that you change legs during the jump. Stand in the starting position, make a standard forward lunge with one foot. And then, instead of going back and lunging on the other leg, you jump and change legs in the jump. At the same time, you need to keep your hands bent in front at the elbows. And be sure to make sure that the knee of the working leg has an angle of 90 degrees, and the knee of the other leg does not touch the floor.

Perform 10 approaches each (one approach is a change of two legs).

6. Lunge with curtsy

During a lunge, start one leg behind the other, try to put your working leg as far as possible to the side, squat. The thigh of the working leg should be parallel to the floor. Make sure that your back is straight and in the same plane with your hips.

7. Squats

Feet shoulder width apart, socks slightly apart. Begin to squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. During squats, you need to make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond the toes, and the main emphasis is on the heels. When you return to the starting position, it is as if you are pushing off the floor with your heels.

8. "Pistol"

Squats "pistol" began to torment us at school. I remind those who have forgotten how to do it. Raise one leg and begin to slowly and gently squat on the other. Lower position - you crouched on one leg, while the other is straightened and raised parallel to the floor, arms extended forward. Linger in the bottom position and slowly return to the starting position. In this case, the foot of the leg on which the squat is performed should be completely on the floor. No toe-ups.

If it's hard, you can do this exercise with your hands on a wall or other stable support.

9. Jump squats

Perform a regular squat, from which you exit by jumping, from which you again switch to a squat. Raise your hands while jumping over your head.

10. Steps with the rise

For this exercise, you still need a ladder or a stable low bench. Step with one foot on a step, rise until the leg is straightened and return to its original position. Then do the same on the other leg.

11. Bent over leg raises

Stand up straight with your feet together. Then you begin to slowly move your right leg back and at the same time slowly lean forward. Try to reach the floor with your hands. Returning to the starting position - just as slowly lower your leg and raise your body. Then you do the exercise with the other leg.

You can compare this exercise to a crane-shaped well!

12. Raising the legs from the "kneeling" position

Become in the "kneeling" position and slowly raise your right leg until it is parallel to the floor, toe towards you. At the same time, the whole body is tense, the press is tightened, the back is straight. Keep your leg in this position for as long as you can. Then change your leg.

This post is just one part of our home workout article series. Next in line are exercises for the chest and back.
