How to do it right: kilogram or kilograms
How to do it right: kilogram or kilograms

The correct spelling depends on whether the exact quantity is known.

How to do it correctly: kilogram or kilograms
How to do it correctly: kilogram or kilograms

This problem has existed in linguistics since at least the 1950s. The dictionary-reference book "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" of 1959 indicates "Russian literary pronunciation and stress" edited by R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov that the form of kilograms is used mainly in writing, and the kilogram is used in oral speech.

This division lasted until the early 2000s. Moreover, some sources recognized the Dictionary of L. K. Graudina, V. A. Itskovich, L. P. Katlinskaya "The grammatical correctness of Russian speech" version of the kilogram non-standard, while others considered it acceptable.

Modern dictionaries indicate the Russian Spelling Dictionary that both options are equal, but with one caveat: if a noun is used with a numeral. This is the so-called Counting form Counting form, which is used when specifying the exact amount: nine kilograms and nine kilograms.

However, outside of such combinations with numerals, one should speak and write only a word with the ending -s: several kilograms are not enough, to be engaged in counting kilograms.
