Table of contents:

Money doesn't buy things, it buys choice
Money doesn't buy things, it buys choice
Money doesn't buy things, it buys choice
Money doesn't buy things, it buys choice

Real wealth is not buying things, but having opportunities. The opportunity to leave a job you hate, create a good living environment, and immerse yourself in your favorite hobbies and projects.

People who cannot afford anything understand that rich people have freedom of choice. But money buys freedom not only for the rich. They give everyone a choice, albeit to varying degrees. Freedom begins when you earn your first money.

More and more

Most people will not hesitate for a long time where to spend their first small salary: pay utility bills, buy food. Few will do it differently.

But when we get out of the poverty line, the options for what to spend our money on increase exponentially. We can eat fruits and vegetables, not BPshki, we can drive our car, and not in a crowded bus, buy new clothes and equipment.

Think back to how you got your first paycheck. What feeling did you have when you were able to buy something for yourself for the first time, fill a gas tank, have a normal lunch in a restaurant? Most likely it was great.

But after six months, this pleasant feeling was gone, and a new level of consumption became the norm. It was at that moment that you faced a choice: to leave the previous standard of living and simply put off what remains, or increase demands along with the level of income.

The consumption trap

It is generally accepted that money is a trap, it is not for nothing that they say: “no money - no problem”. But money does not restrict us, on the contrary, it makes us free.

The irrepressible thirst for consumption is another matter, this is really a trap. Eat in chic restaurants, buy designer furniture, get a haircut in elite salons and all that jazz. When you can afford it, it is really fun for the first few months, but then it becomes the norm.

So you start looking again for “something more” - luxury, new experiences, a new level of comfort, to get high again for a couple of months and get used to it. It's a vicious circle.

And what is the bottom line? You have almost no choice. You have no freedom, and there are huge bills every month.

Such consumers do not understand how money can give freedom, because they only need money to buy, buy and buy, even more, even more luxurious. As a result, they remain in the same prison, they are also dependent on everything in a row - their work, their loans, their irrepressible thirst for consumption.

Money for freedom

The fact that most people make these choices does not prove that money is an addiction and a trap, and that wealth should not be mistreated. It’s at least strange to work for money all your life and at the same time pretend that you don’t care about it at all.

You just need to realize the real purpose of money, and it not buying more and more expensive things, but being independent.

Enraged by work? Send everything and go. Do you want to travel? Choose your country. Need to visit sick relatives in another city? Anytime.

And you don't need millions for this, you just need to spend a little less than you earn, month after month, and understand what you really need - freedom or a bunch of luxurious things.
