How to avoid impulse purchases, save money and buy only the things you need
How to avoid impulse purchases, save money and buy only the things you need

Simple ways not to succumb to the first impulse and not to buy unnecessary, unnecessary, too expensive or just low-quality things.

How to avoid impulse purchases, save money and buy only the things you need
How to avoid impulse purchases, save money and buy only the things you need

A person's attitude towards their purchases can change in a very short time from love and unbridled delight to irritation and hatred. Here you are happy to choose a new thing or gadget in the store, here you are happy to carry the purchase home and tear off the wrappers and packaging. But now it lies in the far corner of the closet or rolls around in a drawer, and you reproach yourself for inconsistency, unnecessary waste and inability to save money. This happens every time, when, succumbing to the first impulse, you buy an unnecessary, unnecessary, too expensive or just low-quality thing. But there are simple ways to get rid of this problem permanently. This article will show you how to do this.

Unsubscribe from all promotional mailings

This is not about direct spam, which your mail service filters have learned to handle perfectly, but about those rare, short, sometimes even cute letters from online stores and other establishments where you bought before or even just registered. You sit, work quietly, suddenly - bang! - the letter informs that, it turns out, they have an action now, and if not now, then probably never. As a result, you completely involuntarily find yourself in a couple of minutes the owner of a telescope, a table lamp and an inflatable boat. And now what to do with them?

Create a wishlist

A purchase made is only enjoyable and worth the money spent on it when it meets your true desires and needs. So take a little time and make a list for yourself of those things that you really need or are your old dream. With each purchase, check this list, and then you will definitely avoid many temptations. Another bonus of such a list is that before your next birthday you do not have to spontaneously come up with an answer to the question: "What to give you?"

Postpone the purchase. And money

Advice not to shop the moment you get the idea is nothing new. Everyone knows that it is better to postpone it for a few days or even weeks. And if during this time you do not "hop over", then yes, indeed, the thing is necessary. We recommend that you slightly change this method and postpone not only the purchase act itself, but also the money necessary for this for some time. So you can better feel the financial side of the issue and understand whether you are really ready for such costs. And no loans, of course.

Can't choose between two options? Chances are none is right for you

Very often there is a situation when you are painfully choosing between several things and can not bend in favor of one of them in any way. In this case, try to put the choice aside and not buy anything at all. Most likely, if you do not feel a passionate desire to own this particular smartphone, iron or book, then you do not need them at all.

Satisfy your craving for the new

Nowadays, most purchases are dictated not by the strict necessity of survival, but by the eternal human craving for novelty. We change phones, clothes and cars, not because they don’t call, don’t warm up and don’t drive, but because we always want something new. It's human nature, and you can't do anything about it.

But thankfully, there are many ways to relieve this itch without making a deep hole in your budget. To do this, it is enough just to pay attention to those small and often free things that we can change around us. Sometimes a new wallpaper on your desktop, fresh bright curtains, or even just an unusual dish can destroy a boring routine.

Do you manage to cope with the impulse buying demon?
