Why is it important to have a digital weekend?
Why is it important to have a digital weekend?
Why is it important to have a digital weekend?
Why is it important to have a digital weekend?

You never turn off the Internet, your smartphone is overwhelmed with statuses and calls, the tablet is constantly looking for Wi-Fi, and there is no time to read a book, because you are used to reading blogs? Now is the time to start thinking about digital weekends. Here's what it is and why you need it.

You will learn to concentrate not on external information noise, but on your own thoughts and feelings.

You will become more likely to write down ideas, and not broadcast someone else's, spied on social networks and read on sites.

You will finally find time to read books, watch a good movie, and communicate with family and friends.

How to get yourself a digital weekend? First, choose a day on which you can with 100% certainty be able to turn off your router at home, turn off your mobile phones and not use any gadgets with Internet access. In my case, that day was Saturday. More often than not, your required digital day off will coincide with a calendar day off, and that's a good thing. But if you are a freelancer or student, then in principle, such a day can be any day of the week.

Once a week, you turn off your mobile phone, turn off the internet in the house, put tablets and other electronic things in the house aside. And you devote yourself to the way of life that we all had before the Internet epidemic hit us headlong 10 years ago. You read a book, communicate with people. Go to bed on time. Observe the world around you. Learn to cook. You clean the apartment (by the way, if you spend 20 minutes a day on regular cleaning, then the whole house can be brought to shine). You just do nothing (the ability to stay in silence and do nothing for at least some time is one of the most important and underestimated in the modern world).

Why do you need this? The constant flow of information distracts, reduces the level of concentration and often simply does not carry anything useful in itself. When it is difficult to concentrate, and you constantly jump from one headline to another, and your head is full of all sorts of gossip and facts from social networks, then your own new ideas will not appear. If you are not ready to delete all your friends on the social network (as did the editor-in-chief of Lifehacker Slava Baransky), then at least correct the presence of digital noise in your life.

Live 24 hours without informatics, do something useful, constructive and focused on yourself and your environment. Go for a walk, and do not sit behind the screen, spending 2 days collecting likes and reposts. And you can start right this weekend;)

Regular digital weekends allow you to do something that you have been putting off for a long time, visit some concerts, exhibitions and just interesting places; find yourself a new hobby or get creative; even just eat on time, get enough sleep and live a measured life. Gadgets don't tie you to themselves: they are just a tool. Don't let the tool take over your time - even if you need to set aside a separate day of the week for that.
