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5 tips to learn how to save money
5 tips to learn how to save money

We all know how important it is to procrastinate. But sometimes you want to save a little more in order to save up for a vacation, pay off debts faster, or just have an amount for a rainy day. Here are some tips to help you learn to save more.

5 tips to learn how to save money
5 tips to learn how to save money

1. Put it off when you buy something unnecessary

Even the most frugal people sometimes buy something unintentionally, such as at a sale or in line at the supermarket. If you have serious problems with impulse buying, try this trick to break this habit: every time you spend on something unexpected, save exactly the same amount.

It turns out that with each purchase, you still save money, but at the same time, expenses increase. This method will make you think twice about how much you are spending and, possibly, keep you away from unnecessary purchases.

2. Transfer your salary directly to the savings account

Open two accounts in one bank: checking and accumulative. Set up the ability to transfer funds between these accounts and transfer your salary immediately to the savings account, and set aside only what will go to your main expenses to the settlement account.

Of course, you can just save a certain amount every month, but this method is not always effective. By transferring money directly to a savings account, you subconsciously put your goal to save in the foreground, and this helps to change your attitude towards spending.

3. Set aside all incidental income

It doesn't matter what kind of income we are talking about - refund of overpaid tax, cashback, or just 100 rubles that you found in the pocket of your old jacket - do not waste it. Of course, this requires willpower. Therefore, make it a rule in advance to spend 5% of the unexpectedly received funds on purchases for pleasure, and save the rest.

4. Use applications to automate savings

There are many apps to help you keep track of spending, save money, and transfer funds between your accounts. You can plan your budget for a week, a month, or even a year in advance.

These apps will remind you when to pay bills and set aside money. Among the most popular are Spending Tracker, Money Manager,,.

5. Set yourself tasks

Each month, set small tasks for yourself that will help you save up, for example, cut down on expenses for cafes and restaurants, or put off all the small things. Even such small challenges will teach you how to save money.

You can start with the so-called "Free Weekend". Make it your goal not to spend any money on the weekend: no going to the movies, no sitting in a cafe, no shopping. Think about what to do on the weekend to save money and not get bored. Surely you have several options.
